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性質 篇名/作者
1. 研討會論文 Wan C. H. 2023. Emerging rodent infectious diseases. The 38th World Veterinary Association Congress. Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
2. 研討會論文 Cheng Y.C.*, A.S. Petrov, L.D. Williams, C. Hsiao and C.H. Wan*. 2022. The secondary structures of the 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA for a novel mouse fur mite, Radfordia affinis, and Myocoptes musculinus. The 73rd American Association for Laboratory Animal Science National Meeting. Louisville, KY, USA. (Poster Presentation)
3. 研討會論文 Cheng Y.C., J.R. Liao and C.H. Wan*. 2022. Morphological and molecular characterization of a novel mouse fur mite. The 73rd American Association for Laboratory Animal Science National Meeting. Louisville, KY, USA. (Oral Presentation)
4. 期刊論文 Hung C.S., Y.Y. Chang, C.H. Tsai, C.W. Liao, S.Y. Peng, B.C. Lee, C.T. Pan, X.M. Wu, Z.W. Chen, V.C. Wu, C.H. Wan*, M.J. Young, C.H. Chou*, Y.H. Lin and The TAIPAI Study Group. 2022. Aldosterone suppresses cardiac mitochondria. Transl. Res. 239: 58-70. (SCI).
5. 期刊論文 Huang, Y.L., Pang, V.F., Deng, M.C., Chang, C.Y., Shih, C.N., Wan, C.H., Jeng, C.R., 2012. Reduction of classical swine fever virus-specific cell proliferative response of porcine peripheral blood mononuclear cells by porcine circovirus type 2. Taiwan Vet J 38 (3): 164-176.
6. 期刊論文 Tsai, Y.C., Chang, H.W., Jeng, C.R., Lin, T.L., Lin, C.M., Wan, C.H., Pang, V.F., 2012. Effects of infection order of porcine circovirus type 2 and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus on dually infected swine alveolar macrophages. BMC Vet Res 8:174. [doi:10.1186/1746-6148-8-174] (SCI)
7. 期刊論文 Chang, Y.H., Chang, C.C., Wang, M.H., Cheng, C.H., Wan, C.H., 2013. Expression of virus-like particles of rat parvovirus type NTU1and its application in serodiagnosis. Taiwan Vet J 39 (1): 39-49.
8. 期刊論文 Wang, K.W., Chueh, L.L., Wang, M.H., Huang, Y.T., Fang, B.H., Chang, C.Y., Fang, M.C., Chou, J.Y., Hsieh, S.C., Wan, C.H., 2013. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay for the detection of minute virus of mice and mouse parvovirus infections in laboratory mice. Lab Anim (UK) 47: 116-121. (SCI)
9. 期刊論文 Lin, C.M., Jeng, C.R., Liu, J.P., Lin, E.C., Chang, C.C., Huang, Y.L., Tsai, Y.C., Chia, M.Y., Wan, C.H., Pang, V.F., 2013. Immune gene expression profiles in swine inguinal lymph nodes with different viral loads of porcine circovirus type 2. Vet Microbiol 162:519-529. (SCI)
10. 期刊論文 Hong, J.H., Lee, W.C., Hsu, Y.M., Liang, H.J., Wan, C.H., Chien, C.L., Lin, C.Y., 2014. Characterization of the biochemical effects of naphthalene on the mouse respiratory system using NMR-based metabolomics. J Appl Toxicol 34(12): 1379-1388. (SCI)
11. 期刊論文 Liao, Y.C., Wang, M.H., Wan, C.H., 2014. Molecular characterization of a novel rat parvovirus in Taiwan. Taiwan Vet J 40 (1): 11-19.
12. 期刊論文 Wan, C.H., Pintel, D.J., Riley, L.K., 2014. Expression of VP2 protein of rat minute virus type 1 (RMV-1) in recombinant baculovirus and its application to diagnosis of RMV-1 infection. Taiwan Vet J 40 (1): 21-27.
13. 期刊論文 Tsai, Y.C., Jeng, C.R., Chang, C.C., Hsiao, S.H., Chang, H.W., Lin, C.M., Chia, M.Y., Wan, C.H., Pang, V.F., 2014. Differences in the expression of innate immune response-modulating genes in blood monocytes between subclinically porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2)-infected and PCV2-free pigs prior to and after lipopolysaccharide stimulation in vitro. Taiwan Vet J 40 (1): 37-48.
14. 期刊論文 Hsu, M.F., Wang, C.H., Wan, C.H., 2014. Detection of antibody against avian leukosis virus subgroup A by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with baculovirus expressed gp85 protein. Taiwan Vet J 40B (S1): 39-45.
15. 期刊論文 Wang YT, Chueh LL, Wan CH. 2014. An eight-year epidemiologic study base baculovirus-expressed two for the differentiation of coronavirus infections. BMC Vet Res 10:186 [doi:10.1186/s12917-014-0186-7] (SCI)
16. 期刊論文 Liu, M.D., Chan, T.C., Wan, C.H., Lin, H.P., Tung, T.H., Hu, F.C., King, C.C., 2015. Changing risk awareness and personal protection measures for low to high pathogenic avian influenza in live-poultry markets in Taiwan, 2007 to 2012. BMC Infect Dis 15:241 [doi:10.1186/s12879-015-0987-8] (SCI)
17. 期刊論文 Chen, T.Y., Huang, H.P., Wan, C.H., 2012. Prevalence of the enterohepatic helicobacter infection in pet dogs and cats from the National Taiwan University Veterinary Hospital in-patients and quarantine Center. Taiwan Vet J 38 (3): 199-207.
18. 期刊論文 Scharf, B.A., Wan, C.H., Bluth, M., Eberle, R., Videan, E.N., Smith, E., Coplan, J., 2008. Lethargy, ulcers, bronchopneumonia and death in two aged female bonnet macaques presumed to be caused by Cercopithicine herpes virus I. J Med Primatol 37 Suppl.1: 60-64. (SCI)