

Ph.D.(2009 – 2014): Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University. (台大動科系)
B.S.(2005 – 2009): Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University. (台大動科系)

Assistant professor: (2017 -) Graduate Institute of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, National Taiwan University,
Postdoctoral research fellow: (2014 - 2017) Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica
擔任課程  |  動物組織學及實習、穿透式電子顯微鏡及實習、臨床討論、專題討論
Office hours  | 請同學先以Email方式與老師約定時間
實驗室網頁  | https://vm104.blogspot.com/
性質 篇名/作者
1. 研討會論文 Angelita G., Y. P. Budi, and Y. F. Jiang. 2024. The effect of mitochondria biogenesis inhibitor (SR-18292) on the quality of oocytes of female mice. The 2024 Spring Conference of the Chinese Society of Veterinary Science. Taichung, Taiwan. (2024/05/18)
2. 研討會論文 Budi Y. P., G. Angelita, M. C. Hsu, C. H. Chiu, and Y. F. Jiang. 2024. The transcriptome analysis on mouse ovarian tissue revealed the dynamics of mitochondrial genes throughout the estrus cycle. 21st International Congress of Endocrinology (ICE 2024). Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (2024/03/01-2024/03/03)
3. 研討會論文 Budi Y. P., M. C. Hsu, Y. C. Lin, Y. J. Lee, H. Y. Chiu, C. H. Chiu, and Y. F. Jiang. 2023. Progesterone Secretion and the Estrous Cycle in the Mouse Are Disrupted by Mitochondrial Fusion Promoter M1 Injection During Proestrus. ENDO 2023, Chicago, USA.
4. 期刊論文 Wei-Tao Chen, Chin-Ann Teng, Cheng-Hsin Shih, Wei-Hsiang Huang, Yi-Fan Jiang, Hui-Wen Chang, Chian-Ren Jeng, Yen-Hsueh Lai, Jun-Cheng Guo, Pao-Jung Wang, Chiu-Hung Cheng, Yen-Chen Chang (2021, Jun). Investigation of Lethal Concurrent Outbreak of Chlamydiosis and Pigeon Circovirus in a Zoo. Animals, 11(6):1654.
5. 期刊論文 Richky Wijaya Abadi, Carlos Marcelino Setiawan, Shella Permatasari Santoso, Vania Bundjaja, Artik Elisa Angkawijaya, Yi-Fan Jiang, Christian Julius Wijaya, Suryadi Ismadji, Ery Susiany Retnoningtyas, Felycia Edi Soetaredjo, Jindrayani Nyoo Putro, Maria Yuliana (2022, Aug). Polystyrene-templated hollow mesoporous magnetite as a bifunctional adsorbent for the removal of rhodamine B via simultaneous adsorption and degradation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10 (2022), 108194.
6. 期刊論文 Yovita Permata Budi, Yi-Hsuan Li, Chien Huang, Mu-En Wang, Yi-Chun Lin, De-Shien Jong, Chih-Hsien Chiu, Yi-Fan Jiang (2022, Aug). The role of autophagy in high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance of adipose tissues in mice. PeerJ, 10, e13867.
7. 期刊論文 Yovita Permata Budi, Li-Chi Lin, Chang-Hsien Chung, Li-Li Chen, Yi-Fan Jiang (2022, Jul). Three-Dimensional Investigations of Virus-Associated Structures in the Nuclei with White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) Infection in Red Swamp Crayfish ( Procambarus clarkii). Animals, 12(13), 1730.
8. 期刊論文 Heng-Wei Lee, Yi-Fan Jiang, Hui-Wen Chang, Ivan-Chen Cheng (2022, Apr). Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus 3A Hijacks Sar1 and Sec12 for ER Remodeling in a COPII-Independent Manner. Viruses-Basel, 14(4): 839.
9. 期刊論文 Yu-Sen Lin, Ting-Ting Kuo, Chia-Chien Lo, Wei-Chung Cheng, Wei-Chao Chang, Guan-Chin Tseng, Shih-Ting Bai, Yu-Kai Huang, Chih-Ying Hsieh, Han-Shui Hsu, Yi-Fan Jiang, Chen-Yuan Lin, Liang-Chuan Lai, Xing-Guo Li, Yuh-Pyng Sher (2021, Sep). ADAM9 functions as a transcriptional regulator to drive angiogenesis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 17(14):3898-3910.
10. 期刊論文 Yi-Fan Jiang, Pin-Huan Yu, Yovita Permata Budi, Chih-Hsien Chiu, Chi-Yu Fu (2021, Jul). Dynamic changes in mitochondrial 3D structure during folliculogenesis and luteal formation in the goat large luteal cell lineage. Scientific reports, 11(1):15564.
11. 期刊論文 Chien Huang, Hsiu-Ju Hsu, Mu-En Wang, Meng-Chieh Hsu, Leang-Shin Wu, De-Shien Jong, Yi-Fan Jiang, Chih-Hsien Chiu (2021, Jun). Fatty acids suppress the steroidogenesis of the MA-10 mouse Leydig cell line by downregulating CYP11A1 and inhibiting late-stage autophagy. Scientific reports, 11(1):12561.
12. 期刊論文 Yi-Ru Yu, Hana Imrichova, Haiping Wang, Tung Chao, Zhengtao Xiao, Min Gao, Marcela Rincon-Restrepo, Fabien Franco, Raphael Genolet, Wan-Chen Cheng, Camilla Jandus, George Coukos, Yi-Fan Jiang, Jason W Locasale, Alfred Zippelius, Pu-Ste Liu, Li Tang, Christoph Bock, Nicola Vannini, Ping-Chih Ho (2020, Dec). Disturbed mitochondrial dynamics in CD8+ TILs reinforce T cell exhaustion. Nature Immunology, 21(12), 1540–1551.
13. 期刊論文 Yi-Fan Wang, Tsung-Hsien Li, Yi-Fan Jiang, Chau-Hwa Chi, I-Jiunn Cheng, Chiung-Hsiang Cheng, Ray Sun, Pin-Huan Yu (2020, May). Light Microscopic and Ultrastructural Characteristics of Heterophil Toxicity and Left-shifting in Green Sea Turtles ( Chelonia mydas) from Taiwan. Zoological Studies, 59:e52.
14. 期刊論文 Yi-fan Jiang, Hsiang-ling Lin, Li-jie Wang, Tian Hsu, Chi-yu Fu (2020, Jan). Coordinated organization of mitochondrial lamellar cristae and gain of COX function during mitochondrial maturation in Drosophila. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 31(1):18-26.
15. 期刊論文 Chien Huang, Hao-Yi Wang, Mu-En Wang, Meng-Chieh Hsu, Yi-Hsieng Samuel Wu, Yi-Fan Jiang, Leang-Shin Wu, De-Shien Jong, Chih-Hsien Chiu (2019, Nov). Kisspeptin-Activated Autophagy Independently Suppresses NonGlucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion from Pancreatic β-Cells. Scientific Reports, 9(1):17451.
16. 期刊論文 Yi-fan Jiang, Hsiang-ling Lin, Chi-yu Fu (2017, Dec). 3D Mitochondrial Ultrastructure of Drosophila Indirect Flight Muscle Revealed by Serial-section Electron Tomography. Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments, (130), e56567.
17. 期刊論文 Meng-Chieh Hsu, Mu-En Wang, Yi-Fan Jiang, Hung-Chang Liu, Yi-Chen Chen, Chih-Hsien Chiu (2017, Oct). Long-term feeding of high-fat plus high-fructose diet induces isolated impaired glucose tolerance and skeletal muscle insulin resistance in miniature pigs. Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome, 9:81.
18. 期刊論文 Yi-Fan Jiang, Shao-Syuan Lin, Jing-Min Chen, Han-Zen Tsai, Tao-Shih Hsieh, Chi-Yu Fu (2017, May). Electron tomographic analysis reveals ultrastructural features of mitochondrial cristae architecture which reflect energetic state and aging.. Scientific reports, 7, 45474.
19. 期刊論文 Yi-Fan Jiang, Meng-Chieh Hsu, Chiung-Hsiang Cheng, Kuan-Hao Tsui, Chih-Hsien Chiu (2016, Apr). Ultrastructural changes of goat corpus luteum during the estrous cycle. Animal Reproduction Science, 170, 38-50.
20. 期刊論文 YF Jiang, SS Lin, JM Chen, HZ Tsai, TS Hsieh, and CY Fu (2017) Electron tomographic analysis reveals ultrastructural features of mitochondrial cristae architecture which reflect energetic state and aging. Scientific reports. DOI: 10.1038/srep45474.
21. 期刊論文 YF Jiang, MC Hsu, CH Cheng, KH Tsui, and CH Chiu (2016) Ultrastructural changes of goat corpus luteum during the estrous cycle. Animal Reproduction Science. DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2016.04.001
22. 期刊論文 YF Jiang, KH Tsui, PH Wang, CW Lin, JY Wang, MC Hsu, YC Chen, and CH Chiu (2011) Hypoxia regulates cell proliferation and steroidogenesis through protein kinase A signaling in bovine corpus luteum. Animal Reproduction Science. DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2011.12.004
23. 期刊論文 YF Jiang, CH Chou, EC Lin, and CH Chiu (2011) Molecular characterization of hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α) from Taiwan voles (Microtus kikuchii). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - A Molecular and Integrative Physiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2010.10.003
24. 期刊論文 YF Jiang, SF Chen, HM Chen, and CH Chiu (2009) Changes in Daily Fecal Sex Steroid Concentrations with Relation to Reproductive Cycle of the Formosan Mountain Field Vole (Volemys kikuchii). Endemic Species Research. 11(2): 21-30, 2009
25. 期刊論文 SA Anggraini, KA Prasetija, M Yuliana, CJ Wijaya, V Bundjaja, AE Angkawijaya, Y-F Jiang, JN Putro, SB Hartono, A Ayucitra, SP Santoso, S Ismadji, FE Soetaredjo (2023, Jan). pH-responsive hollow core zeolitic-imidazolate framework-8 as an effective drug carrier of 5-fluorouracil. Materials Today Chemistry, 27(2023) 101277.
26. 期刊論文 Yovita Permata Budi, Meng-Chieh Hsu, Yi-Chun Lin, Yue-Jia Lee, Hsin-Yi Chiu, Chih-Hsien Chiu & Yi-Fan Jiang (2023, Feb). The injections of mitochondrial fusion promoter M1 during proestrus disrupt the progesterone secretion and the estrous cycle in the mouse. Scientific Reports, (2023) 13:2392.