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研究室簡介  | 本研究室歡迎對小動物臨床醫療有興趣及熱忱的同學,目前規劃方向為培育優秀之臨床獸醫師,重點包括一般內外科的處理能力、緊急醫療的判斷及施行、病患護理的方式及技巧、腫瘤病患創新療法等。研究方面則以臨床試驗、病例回顧、整合醫療為主。
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  • 2007年內科教學優良住院醫師第一名
性質 篇名/作者
1. 研討會論文 An Z. X. and S. L. Wang*. 2024. Successful management of massive doxorubicin extravasation in a dog. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference. Taiwan. (2024/11/30)
2. 研討會論文 Wang C. Y. and S. L. Wang*. 2024. Use melphalan and prednisolone to treat cutaneous plasmacytosis in a dog. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference. Taiwan. (2024/11/30)
3. 研討會論文 An Z. X. and S. L. Wang*. 2024. Survey on owner’s perspective with chemotherapy for relapsed canine multicentric lymphoma. National Taiwan University and University of Tokyo Joint Conference. Japan. (2024/12/5)
4. 研討會論文 Wang S. L.*. 2024. Application of clinical research in canine lymphoma treatment. National Taiwan University and University of Tokyo Joint Conference. Japan. (2024/12/5)
5. 期刊論文 Kuo C. C., J. J. Lee, S. L. Wang, Y. Y. Xia, and AT Liao. 2024. Evaluation of Serum YKL-40 in Canine Multicentric Lymphoma: Clinical and Diagnostic Implication. Animals. 14(23): 3391. (SCI)
6. 研討會論文 SL Wang*. (2024) The evaluation of cardiotoxicity and clinical outcome between two injection times of doxorubicin in canine multicentric lymphoma. The 49th World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress. China (2024/9/3-5)
7. 研討會論文 YS Tang, SL Wang*. (2024) The outcome of serial cardiac evaluations during doxorubicin-based chemotherapy in small to medium-sized dogs with multicentric lymphoma. The 12th Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Associations. Malaysia (2024/7/19-21)
8. 研討會論文 CY Wang, SL Wang*. (2024) Use toceranib phosphate to treat heart base tumor in a dog. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2024/5/18)
9. 期刊論文 PC Shih, SL Wang*. (2024) Use of transdermal trazodone before veterinary visit to reduce stress and anxiety in cats. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, Vol. 75, 27-34. (SCI)(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jveb.2024.06.012)
10. 期刊論文 YS Tang, SL Wang*. (2024) Outcome of serial cardiac evaluations during doxorubicin-based chemotherapy in small- to medium-sized dogs with multicentric lymphoma. The Veterinary Journal, Vol. 305, 106134. (SCI)(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tvjl.2024.106134)
11. 期刊論文 HR Byun, MS Rieu, SW Han, SR Ji,HY Nam, S Seo, CY Choi, BK Linh, HL Thanh, M Kaewthamasorn, A Sahara, RL Galay, SL Wang, T Erdeneshimeg, N Batbayar, S Matsui, N Kawaji, A Moulin, YT Yu, M Avais, JS Chae. (2024) Ixodid ticks from wild and domestic animals in East and Central Asian flyways. Acta Tropica, Vol. 249, 107091. (SCI) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actatropica.2023.107091)
12. 期刊論文 CH Lee, SL Wang*. (2024) Oral mirtazapine decreases the gastrointestinal adverse effects in cats on doxorubicin chemotherapy. The Veterinary Journal, Vol. 304, 106087. (SCI)(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tvjl.2024.106087)
13. 研討會論文 HR Byun, MS Rieu, SW Han, SR Ji, CR Choi, BK Linh, H Thanh, M Kaewthamasorn, A Sahara, RL Galay, I Prado, SL Alota, SL Wang, T Erdenechimeg, N Batbayar, M Avais, JS Chae* (2024). Ixodid ticks from animals in Asian countries. Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases, America. (2024/1/20)
14. 研討會論文 YC Lin, SL Wang*. (2024) Use 15-week chemotherapy protocol including vincristine, l-Asparaginase, doxorubicin, and prednisolone for treating canine multicentric lymphoma. World Veterinary Cancer Conference, Japan. (2024/3/21)
15. 研討會論文 TY Teng, YJ Shiu, SL Wang*. (2024) The effects of veterinarian attire: from owner and veterinarian aspect. Chulalongkorn University Veterinary Conference, Thailand. (2024/4/24)
16. 期刊論文 CJ Lien, SL Wang*. (2023) The impact of urine storage methods on the results of quantitative bacterial culture in dog and cat. Veterinarni Medicina, Vol, 68, 116-121. (SCI)( https://doi.org/10.17221/111/2022-VETMED)
17. 期刊論文 CH Ke, CC Liu, SL Wang, CS Lin. (2023) Paired analysis of D-dimer and its correlated hemostatic parameters in 30 dogs with neoplasms after tumorectomy. Animals, Vol. 13, 969. (SCI)(https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13060969)
18. 研討會論文 JS Chae*, MS Rieu, SW Han, SR Ji, CY Choi, BK Linh, HL Thanh, M Kaewthamasorn, A Sahara, RL Galay, ICB Prado, SL Alota, SL Wang, T Erdeneshimeg, N Batbayar, M Avais (2023). Current status of ticks in Asian flyway. World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, India. (2023/8/20)
19. 研討會論文 SL Wang*. (2023) Decision-making in canine lymphoma treatment. World Veterinary Association Congress/Taiwan Veterinary Medical Association, Taiwan. (2023/4/29)
20. 研討會論文 CM Hsiung, SL Wang*. (2023) Prognostic evaluation of platelet counts before and after vincristine administration in canine multicentric lymphoma. World Veterinary Association Congress/Taiwan Veterinary Medical Association, Taiwan. (2023/4/29)
21. 研討會論文 YS Tang, SL Wang*. (2023) Evaluate cardiotoxicity through echocardiography and clinical signs in dogs receiving doxorubicin. World Veterinary Association Congress/Taiwan Veterinary Medical Association, Taiwan. (2023/4/29)
22. 研討會論文 CC Wu, SL Wang*. (2023) Assessing the reliability of blood samples collected from peripheral intravenous catheters. American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, America. (2023/6/14)
23. 研討會論文 CC Kuo1, SY Yang, YH Lin, CC Liu, ZM Liu, HY Chen, SL Wang, JJ Lee, AT Liao*. (2023) Detection of BRAF V595E mutation in the sediment of urine and prostate wash from dogs with lower urinary tract and prostatic mass. World Veterinary Association Congress/Taiwan Veterinary Medical Association, Taiwan. (2023/4/29)
24. 研討會論文 PC Shih, SL Wang*. (2023) Transdermal trazodone can reduce the stress of doctor visit in cats. Chulalongkorn University Veterinary Conference, Thailand. (2023/4/18)
25. 研討會論文 SL Wang*. (2023) Canine babesiosis in Taiwan. Transmission of the Emerging Tick-borne Diseases along the Migratory Flyway, South Korea. (2023/6/9)
26. 研討會論文 YC Lin, AT Liao, SL Wang*. (2023) Evaluate the Antineoplastic efficacy of mitoxantrone with different storage time on tumor cell lines. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2023/12/02)
27. 期刊論文 RM Liu, WH Huang, SL Wang, SL Wang, PY Huang, CY Lien, YH Lai, PJ Wang, LH Wu, AT Liao. (2022) Investigation of Toxoplasma infection in zoo animals using multispecies ELISA and GRA7 nested PCR. BMC Veterinary Research, Vol. 18, 335. (SCI)(https://doi.org/10.1186/s12917-022-03425-y).
28. 期刊論文 KY Lin, CS Liang, CC Hsu, SL Lin, YT Chen, FS Huang, SL Wang, JS Jang, YW Lu. (2022) Optoelectronic online monitoring system for hemodialysis and its data analysis. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 364, 131859. (SCI)( https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2022.131859)
29. 期刊論文 CH Ke, KM Sio, SL Wang, Y Kuo, WH Huang, CS Lin. (2022) The high expression of legumain in canine neoplasms: A retrospective analysis of 100 cases. Animals, Vol. 12, 504. (SCI)( https://doi.org/10.3390/ani12040504)
30. 期刊論文 WY Yang, C Reynolds, A Mestek, GC Huang, CJ Lee, SL Wang*. (2022) A molecular and serological survey in Taiwan to determine the true risk of babesiosis in dogs not receiving regular tick prevention. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, Vol. 27, 100670. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vprsr.2021.100670)
31. 研討會論文 CM Hsiung, SL Wang*. (2022) Medical treatment of rectal mast cell tumor in a dog. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2022/12/10)
32. 研討會論文 YS Tang, SL Wang*. (2022) Using vincristine, l-asparaginase, doxorubicin, and prednisolone to treat nasal lymphoma in a cat. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2022/12/10)
33. 研討會論文 ZX An, SL Wang*. (2022) Extra-gastrointestinal large granular lymphocyte lymphoma in a cat. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2022/12/10)
34. 研討會論文 CJ Lien, SL Wang*. (2022) The impact of preservation methods of dog and cat urine samples on the result of quantitative bacterial culture. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2022/05/29)
35. 研討會論文 CJ Lien, SL Wang*. (2022) A dog with infected paraprostatic cyst and severe electrolytes imbalance. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2022/05/29)
36. 研討會論文 CC Wu, SL Wang*. (2022) Diagnosis and treatments of feline hypereosinophilic syndrome in a cat. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2022/12/10)
37. 研討會論文 YC Lin, SL Wang*. (2022) Inflammatory colorectal polyps in a miniature dachshund. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2022/12/10)
38. 期刊論文 JJ Lee, AT Liao, SL Wang*. (2021) L-asparaginase, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone (LHOP) chemotherapy as a first-line treatment for dogs with multicentric lymphoma. Animals, Vol. 11, 2199. (SCI)( https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11082199)
39. 期刊論文 WS Lee, JJ Lee, AT Liao, CL Kao, SL Wang*. (2021) Association between weight change during initial chemotherapy and clinical outcome in dogs with multicentric lymphoma. Veterinary and Comparative Oncology, Vol. 19, 53-60. (SCI) (https://doi.org/10.1111/vco.12637).
40. 期刊論文 3. PC Shih, CH Lee, SL Wang*. (2021) Comparison of simultaneous measurements of forelimb and hindlimb systolic blood pressure in conscious dogs. Topics in Companion Animal Medicine, Vol. 42, 100492. (SCI) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcam.2020.100492)
41. 研討會論文 PC Shih, SL Wang*. (2021) Use of TD-5472617A Prior to Veterinary Visits for Reducing Stress and Anxiety in Cats. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2021/05/22)
42. 研討會論文 RM Liu, SL Wang, AT Liao. (2020) Survey of Toxoplasma gondii infection in the Warm-blooded animals of Taipei zoo. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2020/10/24)
43. 研討會論文 PC Shih, SL Wang*. (2020) Candida rugosa infection and multicentric lymphoma was concurrently diagnosed in a dog with generalized lymphadenopathy. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2020/10/24)
44. 研討會論文 PC Shih, SL Wang*. (2020) Agreement of systolic arterial pressure and pulse rate between forelimb and hindlimb by Doppler ultrasonography in 108 dogs. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2020/10/24)
45. 研討會論文 CH Lee, SL Wang*. (2020) Evaluation of mirtazapine as appetite stimulating agent and anti-emetic drug in cats with cancer chemotherapy. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2020/10/24)
46. 期刊論文 AT Liao, WH Huang, SL Wang*. (2020) Bacterial isolation and antibiotic selection after ovariohysterectomy of canine pyometra: a retrospective study of 55 cases. Taiwan Veterinary Journal, (accept, in press) (https://doi.org/10.1142/S1682648520500067).
47. 期刊論文 AT Liao, YC Chen, SL Wang*. (2020) Comparison of the cytotoxic effects of single and divided treatment of 4-hydroxycyclophosphamide at the same total dosage amount in canine lymphoma cell lines. Veterinarni Medicina, Vol. 65, 56-61. (SCI) (https://doi.org/10.17221/86/2019-VETMED)
48. 期刊論文 CJ Lien, SL Wang*. (2020) Antimicrobial resistance of common uropathogens from cats with urinary tract infections in a veterinary teaching hospital in Taiwan. Taiwan Veterinary Journal, Vol. 46, No. 1, 21-28. (https://doi.org/10.1142/S168264852050002X)
49. 期刊論文 WH Huang, JJ Lee, AT Liao, SL Wang*. (2020) Paraneoplastic syndrome as a prognostic factor in dogs with multicentric lymphoma. The international Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine, (accept, in press) (SCI).
50. 期刊論文 IL Liu, CH Lee, PC Shih, SL Wang*. (2020) Accuracy and patient acceptance of vulvar stamp smear for estrous cycle evaluation in dogs. Taiwan Veterinary Journal, (accept, in press)(https://doi.org/10.1142/S1682648520500080).
51. 期刊論文 JJ Lee, AT Liao, SL Wang*. (2020) Outcome of canine multicentric lymphoma after single or divided treatment with cyclophosphamide in multidrug chemotherapy. Topics in Companion Animal Medicine, (accept, in press) (SCI) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcam.2020.100461).
52. 期刊論文 WS Lee, JJ Lee, AT Liao, CL Kao, SL Wang*. (2020) Association between weight change during initial chemotherapy and clinical outcome in dogs with multicentric lymphoma. Veterinary and Comparative Oncology, (accept, in press)(SCI) (https://doi.org/10.1111/vco.12637).
53. 研討會論文 SL Wang*. (2019) Paraneoplastic syndromes are negative prognostic factors in canine lymphoma. The 18th Chulalongkorn University Veterinary Conference, Thailand (2019/4/24-26)
54. 研討會論文 SL Wang*. (2019) New viewpoints of canine lymphoma treatment. The 10th Joint Symposium of Veterinary Research in East Asia. Japan (2019/2/18-19)
55. 研討會論文 CT Tseng, SL Wang, AT Liao. (2019) The investigations of correlation between YKL-40 levels in tissue/blood and tumor malignancy/prognosis in cancer dogs. The 10th Joint Symposium of Veterinary Research in East Asia. Japan (2019/2/18-19)
56. 研討會論文 SL Wang*. (2019) Correlation between vaginal smear and vulvar smear for estrous cycle evaluation in dogs. The 10th Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Associations. Japan (2019/9/25-29)
57. 研討會論文 TH Tsai, PH Chang, SL Wang*. (2019) Use of oseltamivir in the treatment of feline panleukopenia. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference. Taiwan (2019/5/18)
58. 研討會論文 CJ Lien, SL Wang*. (2019) Bacteria isolation and antibiotics sensitivity test of urine samples in dogs and cats. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2019/11/30)
59. 研討會論文 YS Tang, JY Chang, SL Wang*. (2019) Treatment of hepatocutaneous syndrome in a dog with liver mass. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2019/11/30)
60. 研討會論文 YS Tang, SL Wang*. (2019) Outcome of single or divided cyclophosphamide treatment in multidrug chemotherapy for canine lymphoma. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference, Taiwan. (2019/11/30)
61. 期刊論文 SL Wang, C Dawson, LN Wei, CT Lin. (2019) The investigation of histopathology and locations of excised eyelid masses in dogs. Veterinary Record Open, 6:e000344. (https://doi.org/10.1136/vetreco-2019-000344)
62. 期刊論文 KC Cheng, JJ Lee, SL Wang, CY Lin, CT Tseng, CS Lin, AT Liao. (2019) Elevated plasma YKL-40 level is found in the dogs with cancer and is related to poor prognosis. Journal of Veterinary Science, Sep;20(5):e53. (SCI) (https://doi.org/10.4142/jvs.2019.20.e53)
63. 研討會論文 CT Tseng, KJ Chang, SL Wang, AT Liao. (2018) Production of recombinant canine YKL-40 and application of canine YKL-40 scFv antibodies. NTU-UTokyo Joint Conference. Taiwan (2018/12/12-13)
64. 研討會論文 SL Wang*. (2018) Olfactory neuroblastoma in a cat. Conference of Asian Society of Veterinary Surgery. Taiwan (2018/12/1-2)
65. 研討會論文 C Liang, SL Wang*. (2018) Compare the cytotoxic effects of single and divided treatment of cyclophosphamide at the same total dosage in canine lymphoma cell lines. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference. Taiwan (2018/12/1)
66. 研討會論文 SL Wang*. (2018) Animal and human leptospirosis in Taiwan. Sakura Science Plan Project. Japan. (2018/9/3)
67. 研討會論文 SL Wang*. (2018) New insights into canine lymphoma treatment. Sakura Science Plan Project. Japan. (2018/8/28)
68. 研討會論文 SL Wang*. (2018) Treatment of canine lymphoma: the past, present and future. Conference of the Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences (2018/6/2)
69. 研討會論文 YS Tang, SL Wang*. (2018) Bacteria isolation and antibiotic selection after ovariohysterectomy of canine pyometra. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference. (2018/6/2)
70. 研討會論文 SL Wang, JJ Lee, AT Liao. (2016) Significant relapse in canine multicentric lymphoma following cyclophosphamide administration in combination chemotherapy. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference. (2016/5/14)
71. 期刊論文 SL Wang, JJ Lee, AT Liao. (2016) Assessment of temporal association of relapse of canine multicentric lymphoma with components of the CHOP protocol: Is cyclophosphamide the weakest link? The Veterinary Journal, Vol. 213, 87-89. (SCI) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tvjl.2016.04.013)
72. 期刊論文 SL Wang, JJ Lee, AT Liao. (2016) Comparison of efficacy and toxicity of doxorubicin and mitoxantrone in combination chemotherapy for canine lymphoma. Canadian Veterinary Journal, Vol. 57, No. 3, 271-276. (SCI)
73. 期刊論文 SL Wang, JJ Lee, AT Liao. (2015) Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia is associated with prolonged remission duration and survival time in canine lymphoma. The Veterinary Journal, Vol. 205, Issue 1, 69-73. (SCI)
74. 期刊論文 SL Wang, JJ Lee, AT Liao. (2015) Case report: Low dose cyclosporine combined ketoconazole cures a dog of sterile nodular panniculitis. Taiwan Veterinary Journal, Vol. 41, No. 1, 39 – 43
75. 期刊論文 HT Lin, CH Hsu, HJ Tsai, CH Lin, PY Lo, SL Wang, LC Wang. (2015) Influenza A plasma and serum virus antibody detection comparison in dogs using blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Veterinary World. Vol. 8, No. 5, 580-583.
76. 期刊論文 SL Wang, JJ Lee, AT Liao. (2014) Comparison of cytological and histopathological validation on fine needle aspiration of superficial masses. Taiwan Veterinary Journal, Vol. 40, No. 4, 191 – 198.
77. 研討會論文 SL Wang, JJ Lee. (2006) Interpretation and validation of fine-needle aspiration cytology in cutaneous and subcutaneous masses. Chinese Society of Veterinary Sciences Academic Conference. (2006/12)