

  • 台灣大學獸醫學系學士
  • 台灣大學獸醫學系博士
  • 德州大學奧斯汀分校博士後研究
性質 篇名/作者
1. 研討會論文 Hsiao Y. T., H. C. Rau, K. H. Deng, and L. J. J. Lai. 2024. Reactivation of fear-activated neurons in the lateral hypothalamus disrupt sleep. Japan Neuroscience Meeting.
2. 期刊論文 Hsiao Y. T., C. Y. Chang, T. Y. Lee, W. S. Lai, and F. C. Chang. 2024. Effects of sarcosine (N-methylglycine) on NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor hypofunction induced by MK801: in vivo calcium imaging in the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus. Brain Sci. 14: 1150. doi: 10.3390/brainsci14111150. (SCI)
3. 期刊論文 Yun Lo, Pei-Lu Yi, Yi-Tse Hsiao, Tung-Yen Lee, Fang-Chia Chang (2023, Jul) A prolonged stress rat model recapitulates some PTSD-like changes in sleep and neuronal connectivity. Communications Biology. https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-023-05090-9
4. 期刊論文 Yun Lo, Yi-Tse Hsiao*, Fang-Chia Chang* (2022, May) Use electroencephalogram entropy as an indicator to detect stress-induced sleep alteration. Applied Sciences 12.10: 4812.
5. 期刊論文 Yun Lo, Pei-Lu Yi, Yi-Tse Hsiao, Fang-Chia Chang (2021, Dec) Hypocretin in locus coeruleus and dorsal raphe nucleus mediates inescapable footshock stimulation (IFS)-induced REM sleep alteration. SLEEP
6. 期刊論文 Yi-Tse Hsiao, Yun-Wen Peng, Pin Huan Yu (2021, Jul) Granger causality analysis between intra-osseous pressure and arterial blood pressure in African Grey Parrots (Psittacus erithacus). Taiwan Veterinary Journal 47, 1-8
7. 期刊論文 Yi-Tse Hsiao, Angela Yu-Chi Wang, Ting-Yen Lee, Ching-Yuan Chang (2021, Jun). Using baseplating and a miniscope preanchored with an objective lens for calcium transient research in mice. JOVE, https://dx.doi.org/10.3791/62611
8. 期刊論文 Yi-Tse Hsiao, Ta-Ching Chen, Pin-Huan Yu, Ding-Siang Huang, Fung-Rong, Hu, Cheng-Ming Chuong, Fang-Chia Chang (2020, Nov) . Connectivity between nidopallium caudolateral and visual pathways in color perception of zebra finches. Scientific Reports, 19382 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-76542-z
9. 期刊論文 Wan-Ting Liao, Chao-Lin Chang, Yi-Tse Hsiao (2020, Jun) Activation of cannabinoid type 1 receptors decreases the synchronization of local field potential oscillations in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex and prolongs the interresponse time during a differential‐reinforcement‐of‐low‐rate task. European Journal of Neuroscience https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ejn.14856
10. 期刊論文 Hsin-Tzu Tseng, Yi-Tse Hsiao, Pei-Lu Yi, Fang-Chia Chang (2020, Jun) Deep brain stimulation (DBS) increases epilepsy threshold by altering REM sleep and delta powers during NREM sleep. Frontiers in Neurology. 10.3389/fneur.2020.00752
11. 期刊論文 Chiang, K.E., Hsiao, Y.T.. 2020 Mar. Activation of cannabinoid receptor type 1 impairs spatial and temporal aspects of episodic-like memories in rats. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 19(1): 11-19. https://jin.imrpress.com/EN/Y2020/V19/I1/11
12. 期刊論文 Hsiao, Y.T., Yun, L., Yi, P.L., Chang, F.C.. 2019 June. Hypocretin in median raphe nucleus modulates footshock stimuli-induced REM sleep alteration. Scientific Reports DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-44731-0
13. 期刊論文 Yu, P.H., Hsiao, Y.T.. 2019 Oct. Delayed evoked potentials in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) under midazolam-butorphanol-isoflurane anesthesia. PeerJ 7:e7937 DOI 10.7717/peerj.7937
14. 期刊論文 Zheng, C.G., Bieri, K.W., Hsiao, Y.T., Colgin, L.L.. 2016 Jan. Spatial sequence coding differs during slow and fast gamma rhythms in the hippocampus. Neuron 89(2):398-408
15. 期刊論文 Hsiao, Y.T., Zheng, C.G., Colgin, L.L.. 2016 Sep. Slow gamma rhythms in CA3 are entrained by slow gamma activity in the dentate gyrus. Journal of Neurophysiology 116(6):2594-2603
16. 期刊論文 Hsiao, Y.T., Yi, P.L., Cheng, C.H., Chang, F.C.. 2013 Jun. Disruption of footshock-induced theta rhythms by stimulating median raphe nucleus reduces anxiety in rats. Behavioural Brain Research 247:193-200.
17. 期刊論文 Hsiao, Y.T., Jou, S.B., Yi, P.L., Chang, F.C.. 2012 Jul. Activation of GABAergic pathway by hypocretin in the median raphe nucleus (MRN) mediates stress-induced theta rhythm in rats. Behavioural Brain Research 233(1):224-31.
18. 期刊論文 Hsiao, Y.T., Yi, P.L., Li, C.L., Chang, F.C.. 2012 Jan. Effect of cannabidiol on sleep disruption induced by the repeated combination tests consisting of open field and elevated plus-maze in rats. Neuropharmacology. 62(1):373-84.
19. 期刊論文 Hsiao, Y.T., Cheng, C.H., Yi, P.L., Chang, F.C.. 2012. GABAergic neurons in the median raphe nucleus (MRN) modulate footshock-induced rapid eye movement (REM) sleep disturbance in rats. Taiwan Veterinary Journal. 39(1), 27-38.
20. 期刊論文 Chang, H.H., Yi, P.L., Cheng, C.H., Lu, C.Y., Hsiao, Y.T., Tsai, Y.F., Li, C.L., Chang, F.C.. 2011 May 16. Biphasic effects of baicalin, an active constituent of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, in the spontaneous sleep‐wake regulation. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 135(2):359-68.
21. 期刊論文 Lu, C.Y. Yi, P.L., Tsai, C.H., Cheng, C.H., Chang, H.H., Hsiao, Y.T., Chang, F.C.. 2010 Apr. TNF‐NF‐kappaB signaling mediates excessive somnolence in hemiparkinsonian rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 208(2):484‐96.
22. 期刊論文 Yi, P.L., Hsiao, Y.T., Tsai, C.H., Jan, T.R., Lu, C.Y., Chang, F.C.. 2008 Mar. Serotonergic system in the central nucleus of amygdala mediates cannabidiol‐induced sleep alteration. The Open Sleep Journal 1:58‐68