吳乃慧 助理教授
3D培養暨禽病研究室 (獸三館 303室)
- 德國漢諾威獸醫大學(University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover)博士(Ph. D. with summa cum laude)
- 德國漢諾威獸醫大學 病毒所 獸醫兼獨立博士後研究員
- 德國漢諾威獸醫大學 新興傳染病及人畜共通傳染病研究中心 獸醫兼獨立博士後研究員
Office hours | 請同學以Email方式與老師約定時間; 歡迎大三以上獸醫系同學及研究生加入實驗室
序 | 性質 | 篇名/作者 |
1. | 研討會論文 | Hsu S.H., Y.B. Tsai and N.H. Wu*. 2022. Establishment and characterization of Three-dimensional Chicken Respiratory Epithelial Culture. 中華民國獸醫學會暨台灣省畜牧獸醫學會 111 年度秋季學術論文發表會。111 年 12 月 10 日。臺北。 |
2. | 研討會論文 | Tsai Y.B., S.H. Hsu and N.H. Wu*. 2022. Establishment and characterization of Three-dimensional Chicken Intestinal Culture. 中華民國獸醫學會暨台灣省畜牧獸醫學會 111年度秋季學術論文發表會。111 年 12 月 10 日。臺北。 |
3. | 研討會論文 | Wu N.H.*, D.L. Shin, T. Herrler and G. Herrler. 2022. Studying the pathogenicity of respiratory pathogens by using patient-derived airway 3D cultures. 14 th International Congress of Cell Biology & 9 th Asian Pacific Organization for Cell Biology joint meeting. Taipei. Nov. 7-11, 2022. |
4. | 研討會論文 | Wu N.H.*, T. Herrler, G. Herrler and D.L. Shin. 2022. Using patient-derived airway 3D cultures to study the pathogenicity of respiratory syncytial virus. 2022 台灣病毒暨疫苗學會會員大會暨學術研討會。111 年 10 月 1 日。臺北。 |
5. | 研討會論文 | Shin D.L., L. Haas, U. Siebert, P. Valentin-Weigand, G. Herrler and N.H. Wu*. 2022. Primary harbor seal airway epithelial cells show high susceptibility to infection by a seal-derived H5N8 HPAI virus. 31th Annual Meeting of the Society of Virology. Munich. March 30- Apr. 2, 2022. |
6. | 研討會論文 | Tsai Y.B., S.H. Hsu, W.C. Hsu, Y.N. Chen, F. Lee and N.H. Wu*. 2022. Isolation of primary cells from wildlife. 2022 33th Congress of Animal Behavior and Ecology. Taitung. Jan. 18-19, 2022. |
7. | 期刊論文 | Shin D.L., E. Chludzinski, N.H. Wu, J.Y. Peng, M. Ciurkiewicz, B. Sawatsky, C.K. Pfaller, C. Baechlein, V. von Messling, L. Haas, A. Beineke and G. Herrler. 2022. Overcoming the barrier of the respiratory epithelium during canine distemper virus infection. mBio. 13(1): e0304321. (SCI) |
8. | 期刊論文 | Shin D.L., U. Siebert, L. Haas, P. Valentin-Weigand, G. Herrler and N.H. Wu*. 2022. Primary harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) airway epithelial cells show high susceptibility to infection by a seal-derived influenza A virus (H5N8). Transbound. Emerg. Dis. 69(5): e2378-e88. (SCI) |
9. | 期刊論文 | Hoffmann M, Kleine-Weber H, Schroeder S, Krüger N, Herrler T, Erichsen S, Schiergens TS, Herrler G, Wu NH, Nitsche A, Müller MA, Drosten C, Pöhlmann S. SARS-CoV-2 Cell Entry Depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and Is Blocked by a Clinically Proven Protease Inhibitor. Cell 2020 Apr; 16;181(2):271-280 (SCI, IF: 38.637, ranking 1/297 Biochemistry & Molecular biology) |
10. | 期刊論文 | Shin DL, Yang W, Peng JY, Sawatsky B, von Messling V, Herrler G, Wu NH*. Avian Influenza A Virus Infects Swine Airway Epithelial Cells without Prior Adaptation. Viruses 2020 May; 28;12(6):E589. (*corresponding) (SCI, IF: 3.816, ranking 12/37 Virology) |
11. | 期刊論文 | Fu Y, Dürrwald R, Meng F, Tong J, Wu NH, Su A, Yin X, Haas L, Schmidtke M, Zell R, Krumbholz A, Herrler G. Infection Studies in Pigs and Porcine Airway Epithelial Cells Reveal an Evolution of A(H1N1)pdm09 Influenza A Viruses Toward Lower Virulence. J Infect Dis. 2019 Feb. 19;219(10):1596-1604. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiy719. (IF:5.186, ranking 9/88 Infectious diseases) |
12. | 期刊論文 | Meng F, Tong J, Vötsch D, Peng JY, Cai X, Willenborg M, Herrler G*, Wu NH*, Valentin-Weigand P*. Viral co-infection replaces effects of suilysin on adherence and invasion of S. suis into respiratory epithelial cells grown under air-liquid interface conditions. Infect Immun. 2019 Jul;87. DOI: 10.1128/IAI.00350-19 (*corresponding) (IF:3.106, ranking 34/89 Infectious diseases) |
13. | 期刊論文 | Shin DL, Siebert U, Lakemeyer J, Grilo M, Pawliczka I, Wu NH, Valentin-Weigand P, Haas L, Herrler G. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N8) Virus in Gray Seals, Baltic Sea Emerging Infectious Diseases 2019 Dec; 25(12):2295-2298 (SCI, IF: 7.185, ranking 5/89 Infectious diseases) |
14. | 期刊論文 | Tong J, Fu Y, Wu NH, Rohde M, Meng F, Valentin-Weigand P, Herrler G. Sialic acid-dependent interaction of group B streptococci with influenza virus-infected cells reveals a novel adherence and invasion mechanism. Cell Microbiol. 2018 Apr;20(4). doi: 10.1111/cmi.12818. (IF: 4.41, ranking 24/125 Microbiology) |
15. | 期刊論文 | Yang W, Lambertz RLO, Punyadarsaniya D, Leist SR, Stech J, Schughart K, Herrler G, Wu NH*, Meng F*. Increased virulence of a PB2/HA mutant of an avian H9N2 influenza strain after three passages in porcine differentiated airway epithelial cells. Vet Microbiol. 2017 Nov;211:129-134. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2017.10.015. (*corresponding) (IF: 2.524, ranking 8/140 Veterinary science) |
16. | 期刊論文 | Meng F, Wu NH, Seitz M, Herrler G, Valentin-Weigand P. Efficient suilysin-mediated invasion and apoptosis in porcine respiratory epithelial cells after streptococcal infection under air-liquid interface conditions. Scientific Reports. 2016 May 27;6:26748. doi: 10.1038/srep26748. (IF: 4.259, ranking 10/64 Multidisciplinary sciences) |
17. | 期刊論文 | Wu NH, Yang W, Beineke A, Dijkman R, Matrosovich M, Baumgärtner W, Thiel V, Valentin-Weigand P, Meng F, Herrler G. The differentiated airway epithelium infected by influenza viruses maintains the barrier function despite a dramatic loss of ciliated cells. Scientific Reports. 2016 Dec 22;6:39668. doi: 10.1038/srep39668. (IF: 4.259, ranking 10/64 Multidisciplinary sciences) |
18. | 期刊論文 | Meng F, Wu NH, Nerlich A, Herrler G, Valentin-Weigand P, Seitz M. Dynamic Virus-Bacterium Interactions in a Porcine Precision-Cut Lung Slice Coinfection Model: Swine Influenza Virus Paves the Way for Streptococcus suis Infection in a Two-Step Process. Infect Immun. 2015 Jul;83(7):2806-15. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00171-15. (IF:3.603, ranking 20/83 Infectious diseases) |
19. | 期刊論文 | Wu NH, Meng F, Seitz M, Valentin-Weigand P, Herrler G. Sialic acid-dependent interactions between influenza viruses and Streptococcus suis affect the infection of porcine tracheal cells. J Gen Virol. 2015 Sep;96(9):2557-68. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.000223.(IF:3.192, ranking 13/33 Virology) |
20. | 期刊論文 | Wu NH, Tsai WT, Chen HW, Wang LC, Wang CH. Detection of anti-reticuloendotheliosis virus antibody by blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with expression envelope protein. Avian Diseases 57:71-75, 2013. (IF: 1.107, ranking 51/132 Veterinary science) |