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序 | 性質 | 篇名/作者 |
1. | 研討會論文 | Liu H. M., Y. L. Huang, M. C. Deng, H. W. Chang, and C. Y. Chang*. 2023. Comparing competitive fitness of different genotypes of classical swine fever viruses. The 10th Asian Pig Veterinary Society Congress. Taipei, Taiwan. |
2. | 研討會論文 | Huang Y. L., D. Meyer, K. J. Tsai, H. M. Liu, Y. C. Huang, M. C. Deng, P. Becher, H. Crooke, and C. Y. Chang*. 2023. Identification of classical swine fever virus-specific epitopes on the domain D/A of glycoprotein E2. The 8th International Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pig Diseases. Bangkok, Thailand. |
3. | 研討會論文 | Liu H. M., M. C. Deng, Y. L. Huang, K. J. Tsai, H. W. Chang, and C. Y. Chang*. 2023. The difference in transmission between genotype 2.1 and genotype 3.4 of classical swine fever viruses by serial passage infection in pigs. The 3rd Joint Meeting of Veterinary Science in East Asia 2023. Pingtung, Taiwan. |
4. | 研討會論文 | Chang C. Y.* 2023. Global pandemic and zoonotic swine viral diseases. The 38th World Veterinary Association Congress. Taipei, Taiwan. |
5. | 期刊論文 | Chang, C. Y., Tsai, K. J., Deng, M. C., Wang, F. I., Liu, H. M., Tsai, S. H., Tu, Y. C., Lin, N. N., Huang, Y. L., 2023. Transmission of Classical Swine Fever Virus in Cohabitating Piglets with Various Immune Statuses Following Attenuated Live Vaccine. Animals, 13, 368. |
6. | 期刊論文 | Liu, H. M., Deng, M. C., Huang, Y. L., Tsai, K. J., Chang, H. W., *Chang, C.Y., 2023. In vivo characterization of the superior fitness of classical swine fever virus genotype 2.1 to genotype 3.4. Vet. Microbiol. 285, 109854. |
7. | 期刊論文 | Huang, Y.L., Meyer, D., Postel, A., Tsai, K.J., Liu, H.M., Yang, C.H., Huang, Y.C., Chang, H.W., Deng, M.C., Wang, F.I., Becher, P., Crooke, H., *Chang, C.Y., 2023. Identification of neutralizing epitopes on the D/A domain of the E2 glycoprotein of classical swine fever virus. Virus Res. 336, 199209. |
8. | 期刊論文 | Yang, J.L., Chang, C.Y., Sheng, C.S., Wang, C.C., Wang, F.I., 2021.The Tip Region on VP2 Protein of Bluetongue Virus Contains Potential IL-4-Inducing Amino Acid Peptide Segments. Pathogens 10, 3. |
9. | 期刊論文 | Huang, Y.L., Meyer, D., Postel, A., Tsai, K.J., Liu, H.M., Yang, C.H., Huang, Y.C., Berkley, N., Deng, M.C., Wang, F.I., Becher, P., Crooke, H., *Chang, C.Y., 2021. Identification of a Common Conformational Epitope on the Glycoprotein E2 of Classical Swine Fever Virus and Border Disease Virus. Viruses 13, 1655. |
10. | 期刊論文 | Yang, J.L., Chang, C.Y., Yen, W.C.W., Yen, L.H.C., Wang, C.C., Wang, F.I., 2020.Type I hypersensitivity is induced in cattle PBMC during Bluetongue virus Taiwan isolate infection. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 226, 110071. |
11. | 期刊論文 | Tsai, T.H., *Chang, C.Y., Wang, F.I., 2020.A Highly Conserved Epitope (RNNQIPQDF) of Porcine teschovirus Induced a Group-Specific Antiserum: A Bioinformatics-Predicted Model with Pan-PTV Potential. Viruses 12, 1225. |
12. | 期刊論文 | Tsai, K.J., Deng, M.C., Wang, F.I., Tsai, S.H., Chang, C., *Chang, C.Y., Huang, Y.L., 2020.Deletion in the S1 Region of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Reduces the Virulence and Influences the Virus-Neutralizing Activity of the Antibody Induced. Viruses 12, 1378. |
13. | 期刊論文 | Wang, F.I., Chang, C.Y., 2020.Classical Swine Fever: A Truly Classical Swine Disease. Pathogens 9,745. |
14. | 期刊論文 | Huang, Y.L., Tsai, K.J., Deng, M.C., Liu, H.M., Huang, C.C., Wang, F.I., *Chang, C.Y., 2020. In Vivo Demonstration of the Superior Replication and Infectivity of Genotype 2.1 with Respect to Genotype 3.4 of Classical Swine Fever Virus by Dual Infections. Pathogens 9, 261. |
15. | 會議演講 | Chang, C.Y., 2019. The African swine fever and classical swine fever surveillance in Taiwan and surrounded islands. The Asian Society of Conservation Medicine. (Cambodia) |
16. | 會議演講 | Chang, C.Y., 2019. Surveillance, control and research of classical swine fever in Taiwan. The international symposium of classical swine fever. (Taiwan) |
17. | 期刊論文 | Meyer, D., Fritsche, S., Luo, Y., Engemann, C., Blome, S., Beyerbach, M., Chang, C.Y., Qiu, H.J., Becher, P., Postel, A., 2017. The double-antigen ELISA concept for early detection of Erns-specific classical swine fever virus antibodies and application as an accompanying test for differentiation of infected from marker vaccinated animals. Transbound. Emerg. Dis. 64, 2013-2022. |
18. | 期刊論文 | Postel, A., Meyer, D., Cagatay, G.N., Feliziani, F., De Mia, G.M., Fischer, N., Grundhoff, A., Milićević, V., Deng, M.C., Chang, C.Y., Qiu, H.J., Sun, Y., Wendt, M., Becher, P., 2017. High Abundance and Genetic Variability of Atypical Porcine Pestivirus in Pigs from Europe and Asia. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 23, 2104-2107. |
19. | 期刊論文 | Huang, Y.L., Deng, M.C., Tsai, K.J., Liu, H.M., Huang, C.C., Wang, F.I., *Chang, C.Y., 2017. Competitive replication kinetics and pathogenicity in pigs co-infected with historical and newly invading classical swine fever viruses. Virus Res. 228, 39-45. |
20. | 期刊論文 | Wang, F.I., Deng, M.C., Huang, Y.L., *Chang, C.Y., 2015. Structures and functions of pestivirus glycoproteins: not simply surface matters (Review). Viruses7, 3506-3529. |
21. | 期刊論文 | Sung, M.H., Deng, M.C., Chung, Y.H., Huang, Y.L., Chang, C.Y., Lan, Y.C., Chou, H.L., Chao, D.Y., 2015. Evolutionary characterization of the emerging porcine epidemic diarrhea virus worldwide and 2014 epidemic in Taiwan. Infect. Genet. Evol. 36,108-115. |
22. | 期刊論文 | Deng, M.C., Chang, C.Y., Huang, T.S., Tsai, H.J., Chang, C., Wang, F.I., Huang, Y.L., 2015.Molecular epidemiology of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome viruses isolated from 1991 to 2013 in Taiwan.Arch. Virol. 160,2709-2718. Sung, M.H., Deng, M.C., Chung, Y.H., Huang, Y.L., Chang, C.Y., Lan, Y.C., Chou, H.L., Chao, D.Y., 2015.Evolutionary characterization of the emerging porcine epidemic diarrhea virus worldwide and 2014 epidemic in Taiwan. Infect. Genet. Evol. 36,108-115. |
23. | 期刊論文 | Chiou, H.Y., Huang, Y.L., Deng, M.C., Chang, C.Y., Jeng, C.R., Tsai, P.S., Yang, C., Pang, V.F., Chang, H.W., 2015.Phylogenetic Analysis of the Spike (S) Gene of the New Variants of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea Virus in Taiwan. Transbound. Emerg. Dis. 64, 157-166. |
24. | 期刊論文 | Chang, J.C., Tsai, K.J., Hsu, W.C., Tu, Y.C., Chuang, W.C., Chang, C.Y., Chang, S.W., Lin,T.E., Fang,K.Y., Chang,Y.F., Tsai,H.J, Lee, S.H. 2015. Rabies Virus Infection in Ferret Badgers (Melogale moschata subaurantiaca) in Taiwan: A Retrospective Study. J. Wildl. Dis. 51, 923-928. |
25. | 會議演講 | Chang, C.Y., 2015. The epidemiology and pathogenesis of novel porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in Taiwan. The 7th International Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pig Disease. (Japan) |
26. | 期刊論文 | Chiu, S.C., Yang, C.L., Chen, Y.M., Hua, S.C., Chiu, K.C., Lin, Y.C., Chang, C.Y., Wang, F.I., 2014. Multiple models of porcine teschovirus pathogenesis in endemically infected pigs. Vet. Microbiol. 168, 69-77. |
27. | 期刊論文 | Deng, M.C., Chang, C.Y., Huang, T.S., Kuo, S.T., Tsai, H.J., Chang, C., Huang, Y.L., 2014. The outbreak of porcine epidemic diarrhea in Taiwan. Taiwan Vet. J. 40, 115-121. |
28. | 期刊論文 | Huang, Y.L., Deng, M.C., Wang, F.I., Huang, C.C., *Chang, C.Y., 2014. The challenges of classical swine fever control: modified live and E2 subunit vaccines (Review). Virus Res. 179, 1-11. |
29. | 期刊論文 | Huang, Y.L., Pang, V.F., Deng, M.C., Chang, C.Y., Jeng, C.R., 2014. Porcine circovirus type 2 decreases the infection and replication of attenuated classical swine fever virus in porcine alveolar macrophages. Res. Vet. Sci. 96, 187-195. |
30. | 期刊論文 | Lin, Y.L., Chang, C.Y., Pan, C.H., Deng, M.C., Tsai, H.J., Lee, F., 2014. First Finding of Southeast Asia Topotype of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus in Kinmen, Taiwan in the 2012 Outbreak. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 76, 1479-1485. |
31. | 期刊論文 | Tung, Y.C., Chang, C.Y., Wang, F.I., 2014. The classical swine fever virus LPC vaccine and E2 glycoproteins protect from challenge with genotypically homologous viruses. Taiwan Vet. J. 40, 163-172. |
32. | 期刊論文 | Chang, C.Y., Deng, M.C., Wang, F.I., Tsai, H.J., Yang, C.H., Chang, C., Huang, Y.L., 2014. The application and development of duplicate reverse transcription real-time PCR for the surveillance of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and porcine circovirus type 2 in Taiwan. J. Virol. Method 201, 13-19. |
33. | 期刊論文 | Chang, C.Y., Huang, C.C., Deng, M.C., Huang, Y.L., Lin, Y.J., Liu, H.M., Lin, Y.L., Wang, F.I., 2012.Identification of conformational epitopes and antigen-specific residues at the D/A domains and the extramembrane C-terminal region of E2 glycoprotein of classical swine fever virus. Virus Res. 168, 56-63. |
34. | 期刊論文 | Chang, C.Y., Huang, C.C., Deng, M.C., Huang, Y.L., Lin, Y.J., Liu, H.M., Lin, Y.L., Wang, F.I., 2012. Antigenic mimicking with cysteine-based cyclized peptides reveals a previously unknown antigenic determinant on E2 glycoprotein of classical swine fever virus. Virus Res. 163, 190-196. |
35. | 期刊論文 | Chiu, S.C., Hu, S.C., Chang, C.C., Chang, C.Y., Huang, C.C., Pang, V.F., Wang, F.I., 2012. The role of porcine teschovirus in causing diseases in endemically infected pigs. Vet. Microbiol. 161, 88-95. |
36. | 期刊論文 | Huang, Y.L., Pang, V.F., Deng, M.C., Chang, C.Y., Shih, C.N., Wan, C.H., Jeng, C.R., 2012. Reduction of classical swine fever virus-specific cell proliferative response of porcine peripheral blood mononuclear cells by porcine circovirus type 2. Taiwan Vet. J. 38, 164-176. |
37. | 會議演講 | Chang, C.Y., Huang, C.C., Deng, M.C., Huang, Y.L., Wang, F.I., 2012. Identification of conformational and antigen-specific epitopes on E2 glycoprotein of classical swine fever virus. 22nd international pig veterinary society (IPVS) congress. (South Korea) |
38. | 會議演講 | Chang, C.Y., Lin, Y.J., Tsai, H.J., 2012. Situation and prevention of FMD in Taiwan. Symposium on Prevention and Control of Foot and Mouth Disease. (South Korea) |
39. | 期刊論文 | Huang, Y.L., Pang, V.F., Lin, C.M., Tsai, Y.C., Chia, M.Y., Deng, M.C., Chang, C.Y., Jeng, C.R., 2011. Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) infection decreases the efficacy of an attenuated classical swine fever virus (CSFV) vaccine. Vet. Res. 42, 115. |
40. | 期刊論文 | Chang, C.Y., Huang, C.C., Lin, Y.J., Deng, M.C., Tsai, C.H., Chang, W.M., Wang, F.I., 2010. Identification of antigen-specific residues on E2 glycoprotein of classical swine fever virus. Virus Res. 152, 65-72. |
41. | 期刊論文 | Chang, C.Y., Huang, C.C., Lin, Y.J., Deng, M.C., Chen, H.C., Tsai, C.H., Chang, W.M., Wang, F.I., 2010. Antigenic domains analysis of classical swine fever virus E2 glycoprotein by mutagenesis and conformation-dependent monoclonal antibodies. Virus Res. 149, 183-189. |
42. | 會議演講 | Chang, C.Y., Huang, C.C., Lin, Y.J., Deng, M.C., Wang, F.I., 2010. Analysis of antigenicity among various subgroups of classical swine fever virus. 21st international pig veterinary society (IPVS) congress. (Canada) |
43. | 期刊論文 | Lin, Y.J., Deng, M.C., Wu, S.H., Chen, Y.L., Cheng, H.C., Chang, C.Y., Lee, M.S., Chien, M.S., Huang, C.C., 2008. Baculovirus-derived hemagglutinin vaccine protects chickens from lethal homologous virus H5N1 challenge. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 70, 1147-1152. |
44. | 期刊論文 | Lee, M.S., Deng, M.C., Lin, Y.J., Chang, C.Y., Shieh, H.K., Shiau, J.Z., Huang, C.C., 2007. Characterization of an H5N1 avian influenza virus from Taiwan. Vet. Microbiol. 124, 193-201. |
45. | 期刊論文 | Chang, C.Y., Huang, C.C., Huang, T.S., Deng, M.C., Jong, M.H., Wang, F.I., 2006. Isolation and characterization of a Sagiyama virus from farmed pigs. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 18, 156-161. |
46. | 期刊論文 | Deng, M.C., Huang, C.C., Huang, T.S., Chang, C.Y., Lin, Y.J., Chien, M.S., Jong, M.H., 2005. Phylogenetic analysis of classical swine fever virus isolated from Taiwan. Vet. Microbiol. 106, 187-193. |