擔任課程 | 獸醫細菌學及實習、 獸醫流行病學、專題研究下、診療實習二甲、臨床討論二、人畜共通傳染病概論、學士論文下、碩士班專題研究、碩士班高等獸醫細菌學一下、博士班專題討論、禽病學、大學部專題研究、獸醫公共衛生學及實習、碩士班獸醫流行病學專論、碩士班 高等獸醫細菌學一上、碩士班 畜產品食媒病疫情調查學
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序 | 性質 | 篇名/作者 |
1. | 期刊論文 | Chen L., B. Ou, M. Zhang, C. H. Chou, S. K. Chang, and G. Zhu. 2020. Coexistence of fosfomycin resistance determinant fosA and fosA3 in Enterobacter cloacae isolated from pets with urinary tract infection in Taiwan. Microb. Drug Resist. doi: 10.1089/mdr.2020.0077. (SCI) |
2. | 期刊論文 | Liu M. E., C. H. Chou, L. Li, Y. H. S. Wu, Y. L. Lin, D. G. Tu, and Y. C. Chen. 2020. Modulation effects of black-vinegar-based supplement against a high-fat dietary habit: antiobesity/hypolipidemic, antioxidative, and energy-metabolism effects. J. Sci. Food Agric. 100(6): 2380-2388. (SCI) |
3. | 期刊論文 | Chen J. W., Y. L. Lin, C. H. Chou, Y. H. S. Wu, S. Y. Wang, and Y. C. Chen. 2020. Antiobesity and hypolipidemic effects of protease A-digested crude-chalaza hydrolysates in a high-fat diet. J. Funct. Food. 66:103788. (SCI) |
4. | 期刊論文 | Hsu C. H., H. Tomiyasu, J. J. Lee, C. W. Tung, C. H. Liao, C. H. Chuang, L. Y. Huang, K. W. Liao, C. H. Chou, A. T. Liao, and C. S. Lin. 2020. Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis using MethylCap-seq in canine high-grade B-cell lymphoma. J. Leukoc. Biol. doi: 10.1002/JLB.2A0820-673R. (SCI) |
5. | 期刊論文 | Yang W. Y., Y. Lee, H. Lu, S. L. Branton, C. H. Chou, and C. Wang. 2019. The netB-positive Clostridium perfringens in the Experimental Induction of Necrotic Enteritis with or without Predisposing Factors. Poult. Sci. 98(11): 5297-5306. |
6. | 期刊論文 | Yang W. Y., Y. Lee, H. Lu, C. H. Chou, and C. Wang. 2019. Analysis of Gut Microbiota and the Effects of Lauric Acid against Necrotic Enteritis in Clostridium perfringens and Eimeria Side-by-side Challenge Model. PLoS One. 14(5):e0205784. |
7. | 期刊論文 | Xiu Y. F., Y. L. Liu, C. S. Lin, C. H. Chou, and C. C. Liu. 2019. Changes in Serum Steroid Levels in Female Red Pandas. Canadian Journal of Agriculture and Crops 4(2):136-143. |
8. | 期刊論文 | Li H. N., C. Y. Wang, C. L. Wang, C. H. Chou, Y. L. Leu, and B. Y. Chen. 2019. Antimicrobial Effects and Mechanisms of Ethanol Extracts of Psoralea corylifolia Seeds against Listeria monocytogenes and Multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Foodborne Pathog. Dis. 16(8):573-580. (SCI) |
9. | 期刊論文 | Li I. C., W. Y. Yang, C. H. Chou, Y. C. Chen, S. L. Kuo, and S. Y. Wang. 2019. Analysis of Steroid Hormones in Shell Eggs from Layer Breeds Common to Taiwan by Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry. Food Sci. Nutr. 7(7):2319-2326. (SCI) |
10. | 期刊論文 | Zhao S., C. L. Wang, S. K. Chang, Y. L. Tsai, and C. H. Chou*. 2019. Characterization of Escherichia coli Isolated from Day-old Chicken Fluff in Taiwanese Hatcheries. Avian Dis. 63:9-16. (SCI) |
11. | 期刊論文 | Yang K. T., Y. L. Lin, Y. X. Lin, S. Y. Wang, Y. H. S. Wu, C. H. Chou, S. G. Fu, and Y. C. Chen. 2019. Protective Effects of Antioxidant Egg-chalaza Hydrolysates against Chronic Alcohol-consumption Induced Liver Steatosis in Mice. J. Sci. Food Agric. 99:2300-2310. (SCI) |
12. | 期刊論文 | Wang C. L., B. Y. Chen, C. T. Hsu, R. Wu, and C. H. Chou*. 2019. Salmonella Contamination in Ready-to-Eat Tilapia Sashimi Processing Plants. J. Food Prot. 82(2):256-261. (SCI) |
13. | 期刊論文 | Lin Y. L., S. Y. Tai, J. W. Chen, C. H. Chou, S. G. Fu, and Y. C. Chen. 2017. Ameliorative effects of pepsin-digested chicken liver hydrolysates on development of alcoholic fatty livers in mice. Food Funct. 8(5):1763-1774. (SCI) |
14. | 期刊論文 | Lo Y. T., C. L. Wang, B. H. Chen, C. W. Hu, and C. H. Chou. 2017. Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Salmonella in Market Raw Oysters in Taiwan. J. Food Prot. 734-739. (SCI) |
15. | 期刊論文 | Tu D. G., Y. L. Chang, C. H. Chou, Y. L. Lin, C. C. Chiang, Y. Y. Chang, and Y. C. Chen. 2017. Preventive effects of taurine against d-galactose-induced cognitive dysfunction and brain damage. Food Funct. doi: 10.1039/c7fo01210a. (SCI) |
16. | 期刊論文 | Wu Y. S., J. K. Tseng, C. H. Chou, C. H. Chiu, Y. L. Lin, and Y. C. Chen. 2017. Preventive effects of Ophiocordyceps sinensis mycelium on the liver fibrosis induced by thioacetamide. Environ. Toxicol. 32(6):1792-1800. (SCI) |
17. | 期刊論文 | Fan Y. C., C. L. Wang, C. Wang, T. C. Chen, C. H. Chou, and H. J. Tsai. 2016. Incidence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility to Clostridium perfringens in Premarket Broilers in Taiwan. Avian Dis. 60(2):444-449. (SCI) |
18. | 期刊論文 | Wang C. L., Y. C. Fan, C. Wang, H. J. Tsai, and C. H. Chou. 2016. The impact of Salmonella Enteritidis on lipid accumulation in chicken hepatocytes. Avian Pathol. 45(4):450-457. (SCI) |
19. | 期刊論文 | Chou, C. H., F. I. Wang, C. H. Liu, and R. Li. Comparison of Veterinary Medical Education Systems Between Taiwan and the United States. Taiwan Veterinary Journal. 34(1):1-7, 2008. |
20. | 期刊論文 | Chang, H. M., C. H. Chou, and H. J. Tsai. Serological Survey of Antibody Against Serotype VIII Fowl Adenovirus in Chickens and Antibodies Against Serotype I-X Fowl Adenovirus Serotypes in Two Breeder Flocks. Taiwan Veterinary Journal. 34(4):211-216, 2008. |
21. | 期刊論文 | Chang, C. Y., H. J. Tsai, Y. Y. Lee, and C. H. Chou. The Isolation Rate and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Salmonella From Dog- and Cat-Food Products in Taiwan. Taiwan Veterinary Journal. 35(1):58-65, 2009. |
22. | 期刊論文 | Chou, C. H., S. Y. Lin, C. L. Chen, and H. J. Tsai. Use of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Analysis and Single-Enzyme Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism in Molecular Typing of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale Strains. Avian Diseases. 53(1): 108-114, 2009. |
23. | 期刊論文 | Chou, C. H., F. I. Wang, S. F. Jiang, I. T. Weng, and C. H. Liu. An Alumni Survey to Assess the Curriculum and Education Provided by the Department of Veterinary Medicine of National Taiwan University. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 35(2):131-137, 2009. |
24. | 期刊論文 | Chou, C. H., Y. C. Wang, H. J. Tsai, K. J. Lin, J. M. Lai and T. H. Chen. Evaluating and Modeling the Flow Line and Operations of a Real Swine Abattoir in Central Taiwan: a Simulation Study. Taiwan Veterinary Journal. 35(3):209-216, 2009. |
25. | 期刊論文 | Wang H.L., C. H. Chou, Y. S. Yu, C. L. Hsu, S. Y. Wang, Y. F. Ko, and Y. C. Chen. 2016. Chicken surimi fortified by omega-3 fatty acid addition: manufacturing and quality properties. J Sci Food Agric. 96(5):1609-1617. (SCI) |
26. | 期刊論文 | Chou C.H., C.W. Liu, D.J. Yang, Y.H. Wu, and Y.C. Chen. 2015. Amino acid, mineral, and polyphenolic profiles of black vinegar, and its lipid lowering and antioxidant effects in vivo. Food Chem. 168:63-9. (SCI) |
27. | 期刊論文 | Su C.C., C.S. Chang, C.H. Chou, Y.S. Wu, K.T. Yang, J.K. Tseng, Y.Y. Chang, and Y.C. Chen*. 2015. L-carnitine ameliorates dyslipidemic and hepatic disorders induced by a high-fat diet via regulating lipid metabolism, self-antioxidant capacity, and inflammatory response. J. Funct. Foods. 15:497-508. (SCI) |
28. | 期刊論文 | Wang H.L., C.H. Chou, Y.S. Yu, C.L. Hsu, S.Y. Wang, Y.F. Ko, and Y.C. Chen*. 2015. Chicken surimi fortified by omega-3 fatty acid addition: manufacturing and quality properties. J. Sci. Food Agric. (SCI) (Epub ahead of print) |
29. | 期刊論文 | Wang C. L., Y. C. Fan, C. H. Tseng, C. H. Chiu, H. J. Tsai, and C. H. Chou*. 2014. Salmonella Enteritidis Infection Slows Steroidogenesis and Impedes Cell Growth in Hen Granulosa Cells. Avian Dis. 58(4):511-517. (SCI) |
30. | 期刊論文 | Chou C. H. , C. W. Liu, D. J. Yang, Y. H. S. Wu, and Y. C. Chen. 2014. Amino Acid, Mineral, and Polyphenolic Profiles of Black Vinegar, and Its Lipid Lowering and Antioxidant Effects in vivo. Food Chem. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem (SCI) |
31. | 期刊論文 | Chou C. H. , S. Y. Wang, Y. T. Lin, and Y. C. Chen. 2014. Antioxidant Activities of Chicken Liver Hydrolysates by Pepsin Treatment. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. 49:1654-1662. (SCI) |
32. | 期刊論文 | Chen Y. P., C. H. Tseng, S. H. Lee, C. H. Chou, and H. J. Tsai. 2014. Alterations of DNA Topoisomerases of Riemerella anatipestifer with in vitro-Reduced Susceptibility to Quinolones. Taiwan Vet. J. 40(1):57-62. |
33. | 期刊論文 | Tsai Y. L., K. J. Shen, C. H. Chiu, C. L. Wang, and C. H. Chou*. 2014. Investigation of Risk Factors of Subclinical Ketosis in Dairy Cows in Central Taiwan by Measuring Ketone Body in Blood. Taiwan Vet. J. 40B (S1): 46-52. (In Chinese) |
34. | 期刊論文 | Fan Y. C., C. L Wang., C. H. Chou, and H. J. Tsai. 2014. The Evaluation Between the gyrA Mutation Detected by HRM and Quinolone Susceptibility in Campylobacter jejuni. Taiwan Vet. J. 40B (S1): 61-69. (In Chinese) |
35. | 期刊論文 | Chou C. H., S. Y. Wang, Y.T. Lin, and Y.C. Chen. 2013. Antioxidant Activities of Chicken-liver Hydrolysates by Pepsin Treatment. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. (SCI) (In press) |
36. | 期刊論文 | Wang C. L., C. H. Tseng, T. F. Chuang, C. H. Chiu, and C. H. Chou*. 2013. Mechanism of Decreased Progesterone Synthesis in Salmonella Enteritidis-infected Chicken Granulosa Cells. Taiwan Vet. J. 39(4):225-232. (In Chinese) |
37. | 期刊論文 | Fan Y. C., C. H. Chou, C. H. Kuo, C. L. Chen, and H. J. Tsai. 2013. Mutations in gyrA but not in parC Reduced Quinolone Susceptibility in Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale. Taiwan Vet. J. 39(2):93-99. |
38. | 期刊論文 | Chou C. H. , Y. W. Ting, C. H. Tseng, Y. H. Shih, M. J. Pan, and H. J. Tsai. 2013. Viral Distribution and Depress of Body Weight of a Duck Picornavirus in Experimentally Infected Peking Ducklings and Serological Survey among Poultry Species in Taiwan. Taiwan Vet. J. 39(2):73-80. |
39. | 期刊論文 | Thong M., Y. C. Chen, T. M. Liu, Y. C. Wang, and C. H. Chou*. 2013. Investigation the Carbon Footprint of Fresh Milk Product Produced by National Taiwan University Farm. Taiwan Vet. J. 39(1):66-72. (In Chinese) |
40. | 期刊論文 | Fei S.Y., J.T. Chiang, C.Y. Fei, C.H. Chou, and M.C. Tung. 2012. Estimating Stray Dog Populations with the Regression Method versus Beck’s Method: A Comparison. Environ. Ecol. Stat. (Accepted) (SCI)Fei S.Y., J.T. Chiang, C.Y. Fei, C.H. Chou, and M.C. Tung. 2012. Estimating Stray Dog Populations with the Regression Method versus Beck’s Method: A Comparison. Environ. Ecol. Stat. (Accepted) (SCI) |
41. | 期刊論文 | Lin Y.L., C.H. Chou, D.J. Yang, J.W. Chen, B.S. Tzang, and Y.C. Chen .2012. Hypolipidemic and Antioxidative Effects of Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) Juice on High- fat/Cholesterol-Dietary Hamsters. Plant Food Hum. Nutr. 67:294-302. (SCI) |
42. | 期刊論文 | Chou C.H. , Y.Y. Chang, B.S. Tzang, C.L. Hsu, Y.L. Lin, H.W. Lin, and Y.C. Chen. 2012. Effects of Taurine on Hepatic Lipid Metabolism and Anti-inflammation in Chronic Alcohol-fed Rats. Food Chem. 135:24-30. (SCI) |
43. | 期刊論文 | Chou C.H. , Y.C. Chen, M.C. Hsu, W.L. Tsai, C.Y., Chang, and C.H. Chiu. 2012. Effect of Silymarin on Lipid and Alcohol Metabolism in Mice Following Long-term Alcohol Consumption. J. Food Biochem. 36:369-377. (SCI) |
44. | 期刊論文 | Chen I.S., Y.C. Chen, C.H. Chou, R.F. Chuang, L.Y. Sheen, and C.H. Chiu. 2012. Hepatoprotection of Silymarin Against Thioacetamide-induced Chronic Liver Fibrosis. J. Sci. Food Agric. 92: 1441-1447. (SCI) |
45. | 期刊論文 | Chen Y.P., S.H. Lee, C.H. Chou, and H.J. Tsai .2012. Detection of Florfenicol Resistance Genes in Riemerella anatipestifer Isolated from Ducks and Geese. Vet. Microbiol. 154: 325-331. (SCI) |
46. | 期刊論文 | Huang C.H., J.Y. Cheng, M.C. Deng, C.H. Chou, and T.R. Jan. 2012. Prebiotic Effect of Diosgenin, An Immunoactive Steroidal Sapogenin of the Chinese Yam. Food Chem. 132: 428–432. (SCI) |
47. | 期刊論文 | Twu N.F., Srinivasan R., C.H. Chou, L.S. Wu, and C.H. Chiu. 2012. Cantharidin and Norcantharidin Inhibit Caprine Luteal Cell Steroidogenesis in vitro. Exp. Toxicol. Pathol. 64(1-2):37-44. (SCI) |
48. | 期刊論文 | Chou C. H., Y. C. Chen, M. C. Hsu, H. C. Liu, C. Y. Chang, and C. H. Chiu. Effect of Silymarin on Lipid and Alcohol Metabolism in Mice Following Long-term Alcohol Consumption. Journal of Food Biochemistry. Accepted. 2011. |
49. | 期刊論文 | Twu, N. F., R. Srinivasan, C. H. Chou, L. S. Wu, and C. H. Chiu. Cantharidin and Norcantharidin Inhibit Caprine Luteal Cell Steroidogenesis in vitro. Experimental and Toxicological Pathology. In Press. 2011. |
50. | 期刊論文 | Chang, Y. Y., C. H. Chou, C. H. Chiu, K. T Yang. Y. L. Lin, W. L. Weng, and Y. C. Chen. Preventive Effects of Taurine on Development of Hepatic Steatosis Induced by a High-fat/cholesterol-dietary Habit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 59:450-457, 2011. |
51. | 期刊論文 | Jiang, Y. F., C. H. Chou, E. C. Lin, and C. H. Chiu. Molecular Characterization of Hypoxia and Hypoxia-inducible Factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α) from Taiwan Voles (Microtus kikuchii). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 158:183-188, 2011. |
52. | 期刊論文 | Yen, I -F., H. -J. Tsai, C. -L. Wang, C. -H. Chou, and A. C. -Y. Fei. Survey of Dog- and Cat-Ownership Profiles in Three Adminstrative Districts of Taipei City. Taiwan Veterinary Journal. 36(4):324-329, 2010. |
53. | 期刊論文 | Lin, C. S., C. Wang, H. J. Tsai, and C. H. Chou. Growth of Listeria monocytogenes on a RTE-meat Matrix Enhances Cell Invasiveness to Mouse J774A. 1 Macrophages. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 144(1):199-201, 2009. |
54. | 期刊論文 | Chen, Y. P., M. Y. Tsao, S. H. Lee, C. H. Chou, and H. J. Tsai. Prevalence and Molecular Characterization of Chloramphenicol Resistance in Riemerella anatipestifer Isolated from Ducks and Geese in Taiwan. Avian Pathology 39(5):333-338, 2010. |
55. | 期刊論文 | Chou, C. H., Y. P. Chang, V. F. Pang, H. P. Huang, J. J. Lee, and F. F. Huang. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in Animal Hospital - Case Study of National Taiwan University Veterinary Hospital. Taiwan Veterinary Journal. 36(3):255-260, 2010. |
56. | 期刊論文 | Tsai, H.J., C. H. Chiu, C. L. Wang, and C. H. Chou. A Time-course Study of Gene Responses of Chicken Granulosa Cells to Salmonella Enteritidis Infectio. Veterinary Microbiology. 144 (3-4):325-333, 2010. |
57. | 期刊論文 | Tsai, H. J., C. W. Huang, J. H. Shien, C. L. Chen, Y. Y. Lien, and C. H. Chou. Prevalence of Antibodies against Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale in Chicken Flocks in Taiwan. Taiwan Veterinary Journal. 36(2):166-171, 2010. |
58. | 期刊論文 | Wang, C.L., H. J. Tsai, C. H. Chiu, C. H. Chou. Evaluation of Dye Swap Effect on the Performance of A Commercial Chicken Nucleotide Microarray. Taiwan Veterinary Journal. 36(1):23-30, 2010. |
59. | 期刊論文 | Yu, C. C., C. H. Chou, Y. C. Fan, and A. C.Y. Fei. Applying PCR Techniques to Identify Processed Ostrich (Struthio camelus) Meat. Taiwan Veterinary Journal. 35(4):292-298, 2009. |