

  • 國立臺灣大學獸醫學系博士
  • 英國University of Glasgow獸醫學碩士
  • 國立臺灣大學獸醫學系學士
  • Founder Diplomate of the Asian College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (2015~)
  • Diploma of the European College of Veterinary Neurology (2006~)
  • 國立臺灣大學臨床動物醫學研究所專任助理教授 (2016-2024)
  • 國立臺灣大學臨床動物醫學研究所專任講師 (2008-2016)
  • 英國University of Glasgow小動物神經科住院醫師 (2002-2006)
擔任課程  |  小動物臨床神經學、小動物臨床神經學專題研討、小動物腦神經學專題研討、脊髓及周邊神經學專題研討、醫院見習、獸醫臨床及影像診斷學、小動物外科學、小動物外科手術及實習、診療實習、伴侶動物診療實習、臨床討論、小動物急診加護專題討論、小動物骨科學專題研討、小動物軟組織外科/麻醉專研
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性質 篇名/作者
1. 研討會論文 Chang Y. P. and S. Y. Wang. 2024. MRI characteristics of the inner ear on post-contrast fluid attenuated inversion recovery images in dogs without middle and inner ear disease. 36th Annual Symposium of European Society of Veterinary Neurology & European College of Veterinary Neurology. Porto, Portugal. (2024/09/12-2024/09/14)
2. 研討會論文 Chen W. and Y. P. Chang. 2024. Which clinical feature may help to differentiate between canine cognitive dysfunction and intracranial neoplasia prior to advanced imaging examination?. The 2024 Spring Conference of the Chinese Society of Veterinary Science. Taichung, Taiwan. (2024/05/18)
3. 期刊論文 Yang F. H., Y. P. Chang, Y. C. Chang, H. W. Chang, C. R. Jeng, J. W. Jiang, W. T. Tsao, I. C. Luo, and W. H. Huang. 2024. Insulinoma-associated protein 1 (INSM1) immunohistochemical expression in normal, hyperplastic, and neoplastic canine neuroendocrine tissues. Vet. Pathol. doi: 10.1177/03009858241279127. Epub ahead of print. (SCI)
4. 期刊論文 Yang CC, Huang WH, and Chang YP. 2024. Accuracy of a frameless optical stereotactic neuronavigation system for brain biopsy in cats: a cadaveric study. Taiwan Veterinary Journal, 49:31-38.
5. 期刊論文 Wu CC and Chang YP. 2024. Long-term outcomes and prognostic factors in dogs with meningoencephalitis of unknown origin and suspected necrotic lesions on magnetic resonance imaging: 37 cases (2007-2020). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Online Early.
6. 研討會論文 Wang S. Y. and Y. P. Chang. 2023. Magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of inner ear on post-contrast fluid attenuated inversion recovery images in cats: A retrospective imaging analytic study. The Conference of Chinese Society of Veterinary Science, Pingtung, Taiwan.
7. 研討會論文 Wu C. C. and Y. P. Chang. 2023. Comparison of cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light chain between dogs with cognitive dysfunction syndrome and dogs with a cerebral mass lesion. 35th Annual Symposium of European Society of Veterinary Neurology and European College of Veterinary Neurology. Venice, Italy.
8. 期刊論文 Chang YP, Chiu PY, Huang WH, Hammond G, Chen HJ, Liu IH, and Liu CH. 2023. Using serial trichotomization with multiple radiographic parameters to diagnose atlantoaxial instability in predisposed toy-breed dogs. Taiwan Veterinary Journal, 48:63-73. (SCI)
9. 期刊論文 Tsai CY, Yu PH, Huang WH, Chang YP. 2023. Feasibility and validity of postural reaction tests in the neurological examination in healthy rabbits. Veterinary Sciences, 10:176. (SCI)
10. 期刊論文 Chang YP, Huang WH, Lua WZ, Wong W, Liu IH, and Liu CH. 2023. Outcomes in dogs with multiple sites of cervical intervertebral disc disease treated with single ventral slot decompression. Veterinary Sciences, 10:377. (SCI)
11. 研討會論文 Chuang Y.C. and Y.P. Chang*. 2022. The feasibility of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis and prognosis prediction in dogs with meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology. The Conference of Chinese Society of Veterinary Science. Taiwan, 29 May 2022.
12. 研討會論文 Wong W. and Y.P. Chang*. 2022. Development of a novel scoring system for the assessment of neurological function in dogs. The Conference of Chinese Society of Veterinary Science. Taiwan, 29 May 2022.
13. 期刊論文 Tsai CY and Chang YP. 2022. Assessment of the cutaneous trunci muscle reflex in healthy cats: comparison of results acquired by clinicians and cat owners. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 24:e163-e167. (SCI)
14. 期刊論文 Wu CC, Huang WH, Liao PW, and Chang YP. 2021. Diagnosis of meningeal melanomatosis in a dog using magnetic resonance imaging and cerebrospinal fluid findings. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 83:94-99. (SCI)
15. 期刊論文 Chiu PY, HuangFu WC, Liu IH, Chang YP. Topical application of heparanase-1 facilitates bone remodeling during the healing of bone defects in a mouse model. J Chin Med Assoc. 83(3): 272-279, 2020. (SCI).
16. 期刊論文 Chang YP, Ho CY, Chen CC, Yeh LS. Biomechanical comparison between preloaded position screw and lag screw fixations for their compressive effects in a porcine rib fracture model. Veterinary Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 31(3):182-187, 2018. (SCI)
17. 期刊論文 Chang YP, Chiu PY, Lin CT, Liu IH, Liu CH. Outbreak of thiamine deficiency in cats associated with the feeding of a defective dry food. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. 19(4):336-343, 2017. (SCI)
18. 期刊論文 Liu IH, Hong HP, Chang YP. Application potential of mesenchymal stem cells from euthanised dogs – evaluation of the pathogen transmission risk. Veterinary Record. 178:342, 2016. (SCI)
19. 期刊論文 Chang YP, Liao PT, Shen EY, Liu IH. The protective effect against focal cerebral ischemia injury in acute phase of a novel invasive device for regional hypothermia. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 78(1):67-75, 2015. (SCI)
20. 期刊論文 Wu CC, Chang YP. Cerebral ventriculitis associated with otogenic meningoencephalitis in a dog. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 51(4):272-278, 2015. (SCI)
21. 期刊論文 Chang YP, Hong HP, Lee YH, Liu IH. The canine epiphyseal derived mesenchymal stem cells are comparable to bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 77(3):273-80, 2015. (SCI)
22. 期刊論文 Peng PC, Chiou HY, Wu PH, Chang YP, Wang PC. Case report: choroid plexus carcinoma in the posterior cranial fossa - pathological assessment and treatment in a dog. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 40(1):63-68, 2014.
23. 期刊論文 Chang JS, Hu KC, Yueh MH, Jeng CR, Luo YW, Chang YP, Yeh LS, and Lin CT. 2013. Case report: Dacryops combined with lacrimal bone atrophy in a Beagle. Taiwan Veterinary Journal, 39:188-194.
24. 期刊論文 Chen CM, Chang YP, Yeh LS, Chen SE, Lin CT. Minimally invasive cannula approach for lumbar decompression: An innovative technique in a canine model. J Neurosci Neuroeng. 2(5):460-464, 2013.
25. 期刊論文 Chien YC, Lien CY, Guo JC, Chin SC, Chang YP, Liu CH. Meningothelial meningioma in a Malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 25(5):636-40, 2013. (SCI)
26. 期刊論文 Chou CH, Chang YP, Pang VF, Huang HP, Lee JJ, Huang FF. Cost-benefit analysis of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in animal hospital – case study of National Taiwan University Veterinary Hospital. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 36(3):255-260, 2010.
27. 期刊論文 Nielsen L, Thompson H, Hammond GJ, Chang YP, Ramsey IK. Central diabetes insipidus associated with primary focal B cell lymphoma in a dog. Veterinary Record 162(4):124-6, 2008. (SCI)
28. 期刊論文 Goncalves R, Penderis J, Chang YP, Zoia A, Mosley J, Anderson TJ. Clinical and neurological characteristics of aortic thromboembolism in dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice 49(4):178-84, 2008. (SCI)
29. 期刊論文 Chang Y, Dennis R, Platt SR, Penderis J. Magnetic resonance imaging of traumatic intervertebral disc extrusion in dogs. Veterinary Record 160(23):795-9, 2007. (SCI)
30. 期刊論文 Chang Y, Thompson H, Reed N, Penderis J. Clinical and magnetic resonance imaging features of nasopharyngeal lymphoma in two cats with concurrent intracranial mass. Journal of Small Animal Practice 47(11):678-81, 2006. (SCI)
31. 期刊論文 Chang Y, Mellor DJ, Anderson TJ. Idiopathic epilepsy in dogs: owners’ perspectives on management with phenobarbitone and/or potassium bromide. Journal of Small Animal Practice 47(10):574-81, 2006. (SCI)