

  • 1993-2000 臺灣大學獸醫學系研究所學士碩士
  • 1998 獸醫師檢覈考試及格
  • 2000-2003 中華鯨豚協會 獸醫師
  • 2002 專門職業及技術人員高等考試及格 科目 : 獸醫師
  • 2003-2008 臺灣大學生態學與演化生物學研究所博士
  • 2008-2009 遠雄海洋公園 獸醫顧問
  • 2009-2018 嘉義大學獸醫學系助理教授/副教授
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性質 篇名/作者
1. 期刊論文 Ho, Yun; Kun-Wei Chan; Wei-Cheng Yang*. A rapid DNA amplification assay for cetacean product identification: Providing insights for illegal cetacean utilization and implications for conservation. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2024, 251, 107084. (5 yr IF: 4.3, 6/63, 9.52%, Oceanography) (Times Cited: 0)
2. 期刊論文 Cheng, J. O., Wang, P. L., Chou, L. C., Chang, C. W., Wang, H. V., Wei-Cheng Yang, & Ko, F. C*. Investigation of organic contaminants in the blubber of a blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) first stranded on the coast of Taiwan. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2024, 31(16), 23638–23646 (5 yr IF: 5.4, 77/275, 28%, Environmental Sciences) (Times Cited: 0)
3. 研討會論文 Su C. Y., H. V. Wang, M. W. Hughes, T. Y. Liu, C. M. Chuong, and W. C. Yang. 2023. Characteristics of full-thickness wound healing in Fraser’s dolphins (Lagenodelphis hosei). IAAAM Conference. Salt Lake City, USA. (2023/05/21-2023/05/24)
4. 研討會論文 Chen Y. R., H. Y. Wang, H. V. Wang, C. W. Chang, K. N. Shen, and W. C. Yang. 2023. Genetic structure within mass stranding events in Pygmy killer whales (Feresa attenuata). IAAAM Conference. Salt Lake City, USA. (2023/05/21-2023/05/24)
5. 研討會論文 Chao C. K., P. Y. Wu, and W. C. J. Yang. 2023. Vocalization behavior response of captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus ) to playbacks of pile driving noise. ASA annual Conference. Sydney, Australia. (2023/12/04-2023/12/08)
6. 期刊論文 Liu, Tzu-Yu, Michael W. Hughes, Hao-Ven Wang, Wei-Cheng Yang, Cheng-Ming Chuong, and Ping Wu*. Molecular and Cellular Characterization of Avian Reticulate Scales Implies the Evo–Devo Novelty of Skin Appendages in Foot Sole. Journal of Developmental Biology 2023, 11, 3: 30. (ESCI, Environmental Sciences) (Times Cited: 1)
7. 期刊論文 Su, Chen-Yi, Tzu-Yu Liu, Hao-Ven Wang*, and Wei-Cheng Yang*. Histopathological Study on Collagen in Full-Thickness Wound Healing in Fraser's Dolphins (Lagenodelphis hosei), Animals 2023, 13, 10, 1681. (5 yr IF: 3.2, 16/143, 11.1%, Veterinary Sciences) (Times Cited: 2)
8. 期刊論文 Wong, C.-H.; Tsai, M.-A.;Ko, F.-C.; Wang, J.-H.; Xue, Y.-J.; Wei-Cheng Yang*. Skin Cortisol and Acoustic Activity: Potential Tools to Evaluate Stress and Welfare in Captive Cetaceans. Animals 2023, 13, 1521. (5 yr IF: 3.2, 16/143, 11.1%, Veterinary Sciences) (Times Cited: 1)
9. 期刊論文 Ho, Y.; Wu, P.-Y.; Chou,L.-S.; Wei-Cheng Yang*. Skin Marks in Critically Endangered Taiwanese Humpback Dolphins (Sousa chinensis taiwanensis). Animals 2023, 13, 608. (5 yr IF: 3.2, 16/143, 11.1%, Veterinary Sciences) (Times Cited: 1)
10. 期刊論文 Su, Chen-Yi, Hao-Ven Wang, Michael W. Hughes, Tzu-Yu Liu, Cheng-Ming Chuong and Wei-Cheng Yang*. Successful Repigmentation of Full-Thickness Wound Healing in Fraser's Dolphins (Lagenodelphis hosei).Animals, 2022, 12, 1482. (5 yr IF: 3.2, 16/143, 11.1%, Veterinary Sciences) (Times Cited: 0)
11. 期刊論文 Wei, Chong*, Lachlan G. Gill, Christine Erbe, Adam B. Smith, and Wei-Cheng Yang. The Distinctive Forehead Cleft of the Risso's Dolphin (Grampus griseus) Hardly Affects Biosonar Beam Formation" Animals 2022, 12, 24, 3472. (5 yr IF: 3.2, 16/143, 11.1%, Veterinary Sciences) (Times Cited: 0)
12. 期刊論文 Su, Chen-Yi, Michael W. Hughes, Tzu-Yu Liu, Cheng-Ming Chuong, Hao-Ven Wang*, and Wei-Cheng Yang*. Defining Wound Healing Progression in Cetacean Skin: Characteristics of Full-Thickness Wound Healing in Fraser's Dolphins (Lagenodelphis hosei). Animals 2022, 12, 537 (5 yr IF: 3.2, 16/143, 11.1%, Veterinary Sciences) (Times Cited: 6)
13. 期刊論文 Hsieh, Meng-Jung, Wei-Cheng Yang *. A Field-Deployable Insulated Isothermal PCR (iiPCR) for the Global Surveillance of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Cetaceans. Animals 2022, 12, 506. (5 yr IF: 3.2, 16/143, 11.1%, Veterinary Sciences) (Times Cited: 4)
14. 期刊論文 Yang, Wei-Cheng*, Chi-Fang Chen, Yee-Chien Chuah, Chun-Ru Zhuang, I-Hua Chen, T. Aran Mooney, Jeff Stott, Myra Blanchard, I-Fan Jen and Lien-Siang Chou*. Anthropogenic Sound Exposure-Induced Stress in Captive Dolphins and Implications for Cetacean Health. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 606736. 2021 (5 yr IF: 4.7, 8/109, 7.33%, Marine & Freshwater Biology) (Times Cited: 6)
15. 期刊論文 Wang, Jiann-Hsiung, Chung-Pei Chang, Chia-Chia Chang, Chao-Min Wang, Chuen-Fu Lin, Jen-Wei Lin, Wei-Li Lin, Huei-Jyuan Liao, Chen-Yung Kao, Pei-Shan Fan, Wei-Cheng Yang*, Geng-Ruei Chang*, Analysis of persistent organochlorine pesticides in shellfish and their risk assessment from aquafarms in Taiwan, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 172: 112811, 2021 (5 yr IF: 6.5, 2/109, 1.8%, Marine & Freshwater Biology) (Times Cited: 8)
16. 期刊論文 Li, Wen-Ta, Lien-Siang Chou, Hue-Ying Chiou, I-Hua Chen, Wei-Cheng Yang*. Analyzing 13 years of cetacean strandings: multiple stressors to cetaceans in Taiwanese waters and their implications for conservation and future research. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:606722. 2021 (5 yr IF: 4.7, 8/109, 7.33%, Marine & Freshwater Biology) (Times Cited: 12)
17. 期刊論文 Hsu, Yun-Hsiu, Wei-Cheng Yang*, and Kun-Wei Chan*. Bushmeat Species Identification: Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA) Combined with Lateral Flow (LF) Strip for Identification of Formosan Reeves' Muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi micrurus). Animals, 11, 426. 2021 (5 yr IF: 3.2, 16/143, 11.1%, Veterinary Sciences)(Times Cited: 6)
18. 期刊論文 Wu, Ching-Feng, Ching-Hung Chen, Ching-Yang Wu, Chen-Si Lin , Yao-Chi Su, Ching-Fen Wu , Hsiao-Pei Tsai, Pei-Shan Fan, Chang-Hui Yeh, Wei-Cheng Yang* and Geng-Ruei Chang*. Quinolone and Organophosphorus Insecticide Residues in Bivalves and Their Associated Risks in Taiwan. Molecules, 25, 3636. 2020 (5 yr IF: 4.9, 93/285, 32.6%, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) (Times Cited: 9)
19. 期刊論文 Chiang, S. H., Huang, H. H., Chou, C. C., Chu, C. S., Shih, W. L., Lai, J. M., Lin, H. C., Yang, W. C., Lee, H. H., Tsai, Y. L., & Su, Y. C*. Epidemiological survey of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in dairy goats in Central-Southern Taiwan. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 2020, 82(10), 1537–1544. (5 yr IF: 1.3, 89/144, 61.8%, Veterinary Sciences) (Times Cited: 11)
20. 期刊論文 Wu C. F., P. H. Hou, C. Mao, Y. C. Su, C. Y. Wu, W. C. Yang, C. S. Lin, H. P. Tsai, H. J. Liao, and G. R. Chang. 2020. Mirtazapine reduces adipocyte hypertrophy and increases glucose transporter expression in obese mice. Animals. 10(8): 1423. (SCI)
21. 期刊論文 Wu C. F., C. H. Chen, C. Y. Wu, C. S. Lin, Y. C. Su, C. F. Wu, H. P. Tsai, P. S. Fan, C. H. Yeh, W. C. Yang, and G. R. Chang. 2020. Quinolone and organophosphorus insecticide residues in bivalves and their associated risks in Taiwan. Molecules. 25(16): 3636. (SCI)
22. 期刊論文 2018 Wen-Ta Li, Hui-Wen Chang, Meng-Hsien Chen, Hue-Ying Chiou, Bang-Yeh Liou, Victor Fei Pang, Wei-Cheng Yang*, Chian-Ren Jeng*. Investigation of silver (Ag) deposition in tissues from stranded cetaceans by autometallography (AMG). Environmental Pollution 235: 534-545. (SCI)
23. 期刊論文 2018 I-Hua Chen, Lien-Siang Chou, Shih-Jen Chou, Jiann-Hsiung Wang, Jeffrey Stott, Myra Blanchard, I-Fan Jen, Wei-Cheng Yang*. Sound exposure-induced cytokine gene transcript profile changes in captive bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) blood identified by a probe-based qRT-PCR. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 80: (in press). (SCI)
24. 期刊論文 2017 Hsu YH, Chou SJ, Chang CC, Pan MJ, Yang WC, Lin CF, Chan KW. Development and validation of a new loop-mediated isothermal amplification for detection of pathogenic Leptospira species in clinical materials. J Microbiol Methods.141:55-59.
25. 期刊論文 2017 Ing Chen, Shin Nishida, Wei-Cheng Yang, Tomohiko Isobe, Yuko Tajima, and A. Rus Hoelzel. Genetic diversity of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops sp.) populations in the western North Pacific and the conservation implications. Marine Biology 164(10): 202. (SCI)
26. 期刊論文 2017 Ming-An Tsai, I-Hua Chen, Jiann-Hsiung Wang, Shih-Jen Chou, Tsung-Hsien Li, Ming-Yih Leu, Hsiao-Kuan Ho, Wei Cheng Yang*. A probe-based qRT-PCR method to profile immunological gene expression in blood of captive beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas). PeerJ 5:e3840.
27. 期刊論文 2016/01 Adam Smith, Laura N Kloepper, Wei Cheng Yang, Paul E Nachtigall. Transmission beam characteristics of a Rissos dolphin (Grampus griseus).THE JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA.139:53-62(SCI)
28. 期刊論文 2016/03 I-Hua Chen, Jiann-Hsiung Wang, Shih-Jen Chou, Yeong-Huey Wu, Wei-Cheng Yang*. Selection of reference genes for RT-qPCR studies in blood of beluga whales ( Delphinapterus leucas ). PeerJ.1810:1810(SCI)
29. 期刊論文 2016/05, Lai JM, Wu JT, Yang WC, Chao MH, Nagahata H..An unusual case of thoracic ectopia cordis in a Toggenburg Goat and its three-dimensional images constructed with X-ray computed tomography.Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research.64(2):165-170(SCI)
30. 期刊論文 2016/07, Chan, Kun-Wei, Lo, Chieh, Chu, Chi-Shih, Yang, Wei-Cheng*. Development of a colloidal gold-based immunochromatographic test strip for detection of cetacean myoglobin. JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS.113:e53433(SCI)
31. 期刊論文 2016/08, Wei-Cheng Yang, Bi-Jhen Wu, Eva Sierra, Antonio Fernandez, Kátia R. Groch, José Diaz.A simultaneous diagnosis and genotyping method for global surveillance of cetacean morbillivirus. Scientific Reports.6:30625(SCI)
32. 期刊論文 2016/12, Wei-Cheng YANG, Hui-Yu CHEN, Chi-Young WANG, Hung-Yu PAN, Cheng-Wei WU, Yun-Hsiu HSU1.High prevalence of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) in Taiwan revealed by large-scale serological survey. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science.78:DOI: 10.1292/jvms.16-0387 (SCI)
33. 專書 2015/07 楊瑋誠。娛樂用動物福祉。於 李淵百(主編),動物福祉,512-519頁。社團法人中華民國保護動物協會。ISBN 978-957-99573-4-2
34. 專書 2015/07 楊瑋誠。環境豐富化。於 李淵百(主編),動物福祉。150-157頁。社團法人中華民國保護動物協會。ISBN 978-957-99573-4-2
35. 期刊論文 2015/04 Aran Mooney · Wei‑Cheng Yang · Hsin‑Yi Yu · Darlene R. Ketten · I‑Fan Jen. Hearing abilities and sound reception of broadband sounds in an adult Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus). JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY A.201(8):751-761(SCI)
36. 期刊論文 2015/10 I-Hua Chen, Lien-Siang Chou, Shih-Jen Chou, Jiann-Hsiung Wang, Jeffrey Stott, Wei-Cheng Yang*. Selection of suitable reference genes for normalization of quantitative RT-PCR in peripheral blood samples of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Scientific Reports.5:15425(SCI)
37. 期刊論文 2014/03, Chan KW, Lee ML, Yang WC, Wong ML, Hsu WL, Ho CF, Hsieh YC, Wang CY. Differential diagnosis of Goatpox virus in Taiwan by multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay and high-resolution melt analysis. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 26(2):195-202(SCI)
38. 期刊論文 2014/05, Ho CF, Chan KW, Yang WC, Chiang YC, Chung YT, Kuo J, Wang CY. Development of a multiplex amplification refractory mutation system reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay for the differential diagnosis of Feline leukemia virus vaccine and wild strains. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 26:496-506(SCI)
39. 期刊論文 2014/05, Ing Chen; Hsin-Yi Yu; Wei-Cheng Yang; Shin Nishida; Tomohiko Isobe; Shinsuke Tanabe; Alastair Watson.The Southern form of short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) in tropical west Pacific Ocean off Taiwan. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology.62:188-199(SCI)
40. 期刊論文 2013/12 Wei-Cheng Yang, Wei-Lung Chang, Ka-Hei Kwong, Yi-Ting Yao, Lien-Siang Chou. Prevalence of Epidermal Conditions in Critically Endangered Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins (Sousa chinensis) from the Waters of Western Taiwan. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 33(4): 505-509. (SCI)
41. 期刊論文 2013/03 Chieh Lo, Li-Te Chin, Chi-Shih Chu, Yu-Ting Wang, Kun-Wei Chan, Wei-Cheng Yang*. Rapid immune colloidal gold strip for cetacean meat restraining illegal trade and consumption: implications for conservation and public health. PLOS ONE 8(3):e60704 (SCI)
42. 期刊論文 2013/01 Yu-Ting Wang, Lien-Siang Chou, Chieh Lo, Wei-Cheng Yang*. Rapid Species Identification of Morphologically Similar Cetacean Species Kogia sima and K. breviceps by High-resolution Melt Analysis. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 45:273-277, 2013. (SCI)
43. 期刊論文 2013/09 Kun-Wei CHAN, Tsung-Ying PING, Shih-Jen CHOU, Zhi-Jia ZHENG, Wei-Cheng YANG, Jyh-Mirn LAI, Dan-Yuan LO, Chih-Cheng CHANG, Jui-Te WU. Case Report: Treatment of an Elderly Dog with Concurrent Heart Disease and Acute Uremia by Hemodialysis. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 39(3):150-157
44. 期刊論文 2013/05 Wei-Cheng Yang, Jer-Ming Hu, Lien-Siang Chou. Sequence analyses of MHC Class II DQB gene in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) and the other delphinid species from the western Pacific. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 39(2):100-109.
45. 期刊論文 2013/05 Chou SJ, Lin HT, Wu JT, Yang WC, Chan KW. Genotyping of canine parvovirus type 2 VP2 gene in southern Taiwan in 2011. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 39(2):81-92.
46. 期刊論文 2013/05, Wei-Cheng Yang, Kun-Wei Chan, Yeong-Huey Wu, Tsung-Chou Chang, Yi-Fan Jen, Chiu-Su Gan, Jyh-Mirn Lai. Case Report: Clinical Application of Thermal Imaging in Captive Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Taiwan Veterinary Journal 39(2):128-134.
47. 期刊論文 2013/05 Yuming SHEN, Kun Wei CHAN, Wei Cheng YANG, Yao Chi SU, Changyou YU, Jiannhsiung WANG, Minghuang CHANG, Jyhmirn LAI. Review: Dairy Cattle Body Condition Score Systems Developed by Different Countries and The Relationships between Body Condition Score and Common Cattle Diseases. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 39(2):135-149.
48. 期刊論文 2012/08 Kun-Wei Chan, Pan-Chen Liu, Wei-Cheng Yang, James Kuo, Cicero Lee-Tian Chang, Chi-Young Wang. A novel loop-mediated isothermal amplification approach for gender identification of Columbidae birds. Theriogenology 78: 1329-1338, 2012 (SCI)
49. 期刊論文 2012/09 Wei-Cheng Yang, Victor Fei Pang, Chian-Ren Jeng, Ling-Ling Chueh. Localization of morbillivirus nucleic acid in a pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps) by in situ-reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 38: 177-182, 2012
50. 專書 2012/05 Wei-Cheng Yang, Lien-Siang Chou, Jer-Ming Hu. Sequence analysis of MHC class II genes in cetaceans. Histocompatibility. ISBN 978-953-51-0589- 3
51. 期刊論文 2010/02 Wei-Cheng Yang, Jer-Ming Hu, Lien-Siang Chou. Phylogenetic analyses of MHC class II genes in bottlenose dolphins and their terrestrial relatives reveal pathogen-driven directional selection. Zoological Studies 49(1): 132-151, 2010. (SCI)
52. 期刊論文 2008 Yang, W.C., Chou, L.S., Jepson, P. D., Brownell, R.L., Cowan, D., Chang, P.H., Chiou, H.I., Yao, C.J., Yamada, T.K., Chiu, J.T., King, S.S., Wang, B.J., and Fernández, A.. Unusual cetacean mortality event in Taiwan, possibly linked to naval activities. Veterinary Record 162:184-186, 2008. (SCI)
53. 期刊論文 2008 Alastair Watson, Tzong-Fu Kuo, Wei-Cheng Yang, Chiuo-Ju Yao, and Lien-Siang Chou. Distinctive osteology of distal flipper bones of tropical bottlenose whales, Indopacetus pacificus, from Taiwan: mother and calf, calf with polydactyly. Marine Mammal Science 24(2): 398-410, 2008. (SCI)
54. 期刊論文 2008 Wei-Cheng Yang, Jer-Ming Hu, Lien-Siang Chou. Sequence variation of MHC class II DQB gene in bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) from Taiwanese waters. Taiwania 53(1):42-50, 2008.
55. 期刊論文 2007 Wei-Cheng Yang, Jer-Ming Hu, Lien-Siang Chou. Molecular characterization of expressed DRB and DQB genes in the bottlenose dolphins (T. aduncus & T. truncatus). Zoological Studies 46(6):664-679, 2007. (SCI)
56. 期刊論文 2006 Wei-C. Yang , Victor F. Pang , Chian-R Jeng , Lien-S. Chou , Ling-L. Chueh . Morbilliviral infection in a pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps) from Taiwanese waters. Veterinary Microbiology 116: 69–76, 2006. (SCI)
57. 期刊論文 2002 Jung-To Chiu, Wei-Cheng Yang, Lien-Siang Chou and Chau-Hwu Chi. Hemotological, pathological and clinical investigation of stranded cetaceans in Taiwan. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 28(1): 64-73, 2002.