School of Veterinary Medicine National Taiwan University


性質 篇名/作者
1 期刊論文 Lin SY, Yao BY, Hu CMJ, Chen HW*. Induction of robust immune responses by CpG-ODN-loaded hollow polymeric nanoparticles for antiviral and vaccine applications in chickens. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2020. (*corresponding)
2 期刊論文 Liu IL, Chi NY, Chang CL, Hung ML, Chiu CT, Chen HW*. A novel PCR-based point-of-care method enables rapid, sensitive and reliable diagnosis of Babesia gibsoni infection in dogs. BMC Veterinary Research, 2019. (*corresponding)
3 期刊論文 Li YT, Chen TC, Lin SY, Mase M, Murakami S, Horimoto T, Chen HW*. Emerging lethal infectious bronchitis coronavirus variants with multiorgan tropism. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2019. (*corresponding)
4 期刊論文 Ho JC, Chen HW, Lin CH, Hu KC. Fluid colour sign on chest ultrasonography in a cat with exudate pleural effusion and pleuropneumonia. Journal of Small Animal Practice doi:10.1111/jsap.13043, 2019.
5 期刊論文 Liu IL, Lin YC, Lin YC, Jian CZ, Cheng IC, Chen HW*. A novel immunochromatographic strip for antigen detection of avian infectious bronchitis virus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi:10.3390/ijms20092216, 2019. (*corresponding)
6 期刊論文 Lin LCW, Huang CY, Yao BY, Lin JC, Agrawal A, Algaissi A, Peng BH, Liu YH, Huang PH, Juang RH, Chang YC, Tseng CT*, Chen HW*, Hu CMJ*. Viromimetic STING agonist-loaded hollow polymeric nanoparticles for safe and effective vaccination against Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Advanced Functional Materials doi:10.1002/adfm.201807616, 2019. (*corresponding)
7 期刊論文 Lin JC, Chien CY, Lin CL, Yao BY, Chen YI, Liu YH, Fang ZS, Chen JY, Chen WY, Lee NN, Chen HW, Hu CMJ. Intracellular hydrogelation preserves fluid and functional cell membrane interfaces for biological interactions. Nature Communications doi:10.1038/s41467-019-09049-5, 2019.
8 期刊論文 Hu CMJ, Chen YT, Fang ZS, Chang WS, Chen HW*. Antiviral efficacy of nanoparticulate vacuolar ATPase inhibitors against influenza virus infection. International Journal of Nanomedicine doi:10.2147/IJN.S185806, 2018. (*corresponding) .
9 期刊論文 Chen HW, Fang ZS, Chen YT, Chen YI, Yao BY, Cheng JY, Chien CY, Hu CMJ. Targeting and Enrichment of viral pathogen by cell membrane cloaked magnetic nanoparticles for enhanced detection. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces doi:10.1021/acsami.7b09931, 2017.
10 期刊論文 1. Hu CMJ, Chang WS, Fang ZS, Chen YT, Wang WL, Tsai HH, Chueh LL, Takano T, Hohdatsu T, Chen HW.. Nanoparticulate vacuolar ATPase blocker exhibits potent host targeted antiviral activity against feline coronavirus. Scientific Reports doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13316-0, 2017.
11 期刊論文 Lin SY, Chen HW. Infectious bronchitis virus variants: molecular analysis and pathogenicity investigation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi:10.3390/ijms18102030, 2017.
12 期刊論文 Cham TC, Chang YC, Tsai PS, Wu CH, Chen HW., Jeng CR, Pang F, Chang HW. Determination of the cell tropism of serotype 1 feline infectious peritonitis virus using the spike affinity histochemistry in paraffin-embedded tissues. Microbiology and Immunology 61:318-327, 2017.
13 期刊論文 Chattopadhyay S, Chen JY, Chen HW., Hu CMJ. Nanoparticles vaccines adopting virus-like features for enhanced immune potentiation. Nanotheranostics doi:10.7150/ntno.19796, 2017.
14 期刊論文 Hu CMJ, Chien CY, Liu MT, Fang ZS, Chang SY, Juang RH, Chang SC, Chen HW. Multi-antigen avian influenza A (H7N9) virus-like particles: particulate characterizations and immunogenicity evaluation in murine and avian models. BMC Biotechnology doi:10.1186/s12896-016-0321-6, 2017.
15 期刊論文 Lin SY, Li YT, Chen YT, Chen TC, Hu CMJ, Chen HW. Identification of an infectious bronchitis coronavirus strain exhibiting a classical genotype but altered antigenicity, pathogenicity, and innate immunity profile. Scientific Reports doi:10.1038/srep37725, 2016.
16 期刊論文 Elong Ngono A, Chen HW, Tang WW, Joo Y, King K, Weiskopf D, Sidney J, Sette A, Shresta S. Protective role of cross-reactive CD8 T cells against dengue virus infection. EBioMedicine doi:10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.10.006 (2016).
17 期刊論文 Chen HW*, Huang CY, Lin SY, Fang ZS, Hsu CH, Lin JC, Chen YI, Yao BY, Hu CMJ*. Synthetic virus-like particles prepared via protein corona formation enable effective vaccination in an avian model of coronavirus infection. Biomaterials. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2016.08.018 (2016). (*corresponding)
18 期刊論文 Chen HW*, Liu PF, Liu YT, Kuo S, Zhang XQ, Schooley RT, Rohde H, Gallo RL, Huang CM*. Nasal commensal Staphylococcus epidermidis counteracts influenza virus. Scientific Reports. doi: 10.1038/srep27870 (2016). (*corresponding)
19 期刊論文 Chang KP, Kolli BK, Batchu R, Chen HW, Chow LC, Elliott R, Head J, Fan CK, Hung CH, Ji DD, Lun ZR, Manna L, Matsumoto Y, Ng DP,de Oliveira C, Melo S, Ozbel Y, Özbilgin A, Reynolds J, Sanjoba C, Shiao SH, Shih NY, Tsai CW, Vicente MG, Barré C, Volf P, Wu YL, Yu CL, Zhou XN. New "light" for one-world approach toward safe and effective control of animal diseases and insect vectors from leishmaniac perspectives. Parasites & Vectors. doi: 10.1186/s13071-016-1674-3 (2016).
20 期刊論文 Wang LC, Huang D, Chen HW. Simultaneous subtyping and pathotyping of avian influenza viruses in chickens in Taiwan using reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification and microarray. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 78:1223-1228, 2016.