School of Veterinary Medicine National Taiwan University


性質 篇名/作者
1 期刊論文 Hsiao Y. T., T. C. Chen, P. H. Yu, D. S. Huang, F. R. Hu, C. M. Chuong, and F. C. Chang. 2020. Connectivity between nidopallium caudolateral and visual pathways in color perception of zebra finches. Sci. Rep. 10(1): 19382. (SCI)
2 期刊論文 Tseng H. T., Y. T. Hsiao, P. L. Yi, and F. C. Chang. 2020. Deep brain stimulation increases seizure threshold by altering rem sleep and delta powers during NREM sleep. Front. Neurol. 11: 752. (SCI)
3 期刊論文 Jou S. B., C. J. Tsai, C. Y. Fang, P. L. Yi, and F. C. Chang. 2020. Effects of N 6 -(4-hydroxybenzyl) adenine riboside in stress-induced insomnia in rodents. J. Sleep Res. 30(1): e13156. (SCI)
4 期刊論文 Hsiao Y. T., Y. Lo, P. L. Yi, and F. C. Chang*. 2019. Hypocretin in median raphe nucleus modulates footshock stimuli-induced REM sleep alteration. Sci Rep. 9: 8198. (SCI)
5 期刊論文 Lin M. L., T. R. Huang, M. C. Kao, H. W. Chiu, S. C. Lin, and F. C. Chang. 2017. Pulse radiofrequency stimulation suppresses palmar hyperhidrosis in an animal study. Brain Behav. 7: e00833. (SCI)
6 期刊論文 Hsiao J., T. Y. Yuan, M. S. Tsai, C. Y. Lu, Y. C. Lin, M. L. Lee, S. W. Lin, F. C. Chang, Pimentel H. Liu, C. Olive, C. Coito, G. Shen, M. Young, T. Thorne, M. Lawrence, M. Magistri, M. A. Faghihi, O. Khorkova, and C. Wahlestedt. 2016. Upregulation of Haploinsufficient Gene Expression in the Brain by Targeting a Long Non-coding RNA Improves Seizure Phenotype in a Model of Dravet Syndrome. EBioMedicine. 9:257-277.
7 期刊論文 Liu C. M., F. C. Chang, and C. T. Lin. 2016. Retrospective study of the clinical effects of acupuncture on cervical neurological diseases in dogs. J Vet Sci. 17(3):337-345. (SCI)
8 期刊論文 Huang T. R., S. B. Jou, Y. J. Chou, P. L. Yi, C. J. Chen, and F. C. Chang*. 2016. Interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R) mediates epilepsy-induced sleep disruption. BMC Neurosci. 17:74.
9 期刊論文 Yi P. L., S. B. Jou, Y. J. Wu, and F. C. Chang*. 2016. Manipulation of epileptiform ECoGs and sleep in rats and mice by acupuncture. J Vis Exp. 118:e54896.
10 期刊論文 Yi, P.L., Lu, C.Y., Jou, S.B., Chang, F.C.*, 2015. Low-frequency electroacupuncture suppresses focal epilepsy and improves epilepsy-induced sleep disruptions. J Biomed Sci 22, 49. (SCI)
11 期刊論文 Chen, W. T., Chang, F.C., Chen, Y.J., Lin, J.G., 2014. An evaluation of electroacupuncture at the Weizhong acupoint (BL-40) as a means of relieving pain induced by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. Evid Based Complement Alternat 2014, Article ID592319. (SCI)
12 期刊論文 Yi, P.L., Lu, C.Y., Cheng, C.H., Tsai, Y.F., Lin, C.T., Chang, F.C.*, 2013. Amygdala opioid receptors mediate the electroacupuncture-induced deterioration of sleep disruptions in epilepsy rats. J Biomed Sci20, 85. (SCI)
13 期刊論文 Yi, P.L., Lu, C.Y., Cheng, C.H., Tsai, Y.F., Lin, C.T., Chang, F.C.*, 2013. Activation of Amygdala Opioid Receptors by Electroacupuncture of Feng-Chi (GB20) Acupoints Exacerbates Focal Epilepsy. BMC Complement Altern Med 13, 290. (SCI)
14 期刊論文 Hsaio, Y.T., Yi, P.L., Cheng, C.H., Chang, F.C.*, 2013. Disruption of footshock-induced theta rhythms by stimulating median raphe nucleus reduces anxiety in rats. Behav Brain Res 247, 193-200. (SCI)
15 期刊論文 Jou, S.B., Kuo, I.F., Yi, P.L., Chang, F.C.*, 2013. Electrical stimulation of left anterior thalamic nucleus with high-frequency and low-intensity currents reduces the rate of pilocarpine-induced epilepsy in rats. Seizure 22, 221-229. (SCI)
16 期刊論文 Hsiao, Y.T., Cheng, C.H., Yi, P.L., Chang, F.C.*, 2013. GABAergic neurons in the median raphe nucleus (MRN) modulate footshock-induced rapid eye movement (REM) sleep disturbance in rats. Taiwan Vet J 39(1), 27-38.
17 期刊論文 Yi, P.L., Chen, Y.J., Lin, C.T., Chang, F.C.*, 2012. Occurrence of Epilepsy at Different Zeitgeber Times Alters Sleep Homeostasis Differently in Rats. Sleep 35(12), 1651-1665. (SCI)
18 期刊論文 Hsu, C.Y., Chang, F.C.*, Ng, H.Y., Kuo, C.C., Lee, Y.T., Lu, C.Y., Lee, C.T., 2012. Disrupted circadian rhythm in rats with nephrectomy-induced chronic kidney disease. Life Sci 91, 127-131. (SCI)
19 期刊論文 Hsiao, Y.T., Jou, S.B., Yi, P.L., Chang, F.C.*, 2012. Activation of GABAergic pathway by hypocretin in the median raphe nucleus (MRN) mediates stress-induced theta rhythm in rats. Behav Brain Res233, 224-231. (SCI)
20 期刊論文 Cheng, C.H., Yi, P.L., Chang, H.H., Chang, F.C.*, 2012. Morphology Alterations of Synapses in the Ventromedial Nucleus (VM) of Thalamus and Caudal Nucleus Tractus Solitarius (NTS) after 10 Hz Electroacupuncture in Rats. Taiwan Vet J38(2), 75-83.